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The original plan was for all four of us to go back to my house.

But their dynamic needs to change, and I know who will be able to orchestrate that change.

For us to have a successful pack, I need Vincent to understand exactly what I need from him.

And maybe it’s selfish, after everything they’ve done, for me to ask for more right now.

But I have a feeling he’ll be receptive.



When I was stuck in that dingy, isolated room, I dreamt about the café.

I imagined creating new flavors of macarons and incorporating different pastries into our menu.

I had conversations with Devyn and April in my head.

It kept me from losing my mind entirely.

As Vincent holds open the door for me and I step inside, a weight is lifted off my shoulders.


The smell of espresso fills the air as I survey the small space. There is a couple sitting at a table, each of them with a coffee and croissant. At the counter, April’s picture sits next to the cash register.

I wonder if they put mine up while I was gone.

I hear Devyn’s voice in the back, her bubbly laughter making me smile.

The pastry display is beautiful, each baked good lined up in perfect, even rows.

The counter is clean and polished.

Everything looks tidy and put together.

I notice a new sign on top of the pastry counter—a chalkboard with the words Pastry of The Day, along with a drawing of a lemon bar.

I feel Vincent next to me and catch him staring at me. “What?” I ask, suddenly insecure.

“There’s a look on your face I’ve never seen before,” he says quietly, his voice low. “You look...content. It suits you.”

Before I can reply, there’s an obnoxious squeal, and then a whirlwind of sugar and blonde hair almost knocks me over.

“SKYLAR!” Devyn shrieks, squeezing me so hard I struggle to breathe. “What are you doing here? Shouldn’t you be resting?!”

Her enthusiasm makes me laugh. “I wanted to say hi,” I say. “I miss this place. And it looks wonderful.”

Devyn beams, her blue eyes bright as she grins. “It’s not just me. Luke and Jamie have been working their butts off.”

“Yeah, well, they have a good leader,” I say. “I’m so proud of you. You’ve kept this place running well without two managers.”

At the mention of April, her smile fades a bit. “Do you want some coffee?” she asks me, then looks at Vincent. “Either of you?”

Vincent nods. “I would appreciate one, actually.”

Devyn turns her attention back to me and her eyes widen. “Oh!” she says, grabbing my arm. “Come on. I want you to see what I did to the stockroom!”
