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“It’s been on your terms this whole time,” he reminds me. “And it always will be.”

My stomach growls loudly, and Landon chuckles.

“You need to eat something,” he says.

“I don’t feel hungry, though. I just want to go back to sleep,” I insist.

“Nope. We’ve got maybe five minutes now before you lose your mind and I have the urge to fuck you against the wall. So, let’s make sure you eat and are hydrated before those things happen.”

I don’t bother arguing with him, because I know I’ll lose.

Instead, I let him help me dress and lead me to the kitchen.



I’m going to lose my shit because I don’t know how to fucking handle this.

I’m standing out here with Vincent while Landon claims Skylar.

It’s not that I’m jealous; I just feel awkward.

What the fuck are we supposed to do while Landon and Skylar have their moment?

I’m out here with Vincent, cooking.

I can barely hold the knife as I chop vegetables, wondering how I’m going to do this.

My brain is foggy and more chaotic than usual. It feels like I’m crawling out of my skin.

“Fucking hell, Cain, relax,” Vincent mutters, as if the air isn’t charged with Heat and slick.

As if this is a normal day and I’m not about to tie myself to Skylar forever.

As if I’m not about to be in a pack with Vincent.

I growl at him in reply, my inner Alpha close to tearing his fucking head off.

I’m going to kill him, because he doesn’t deserve her, and she’s mine.

I can tolerate sharing her with Landon, but having Vincent in the picture?

Having the asshole in our pack that was the reason for her breakdown less than a day ago?

Fuck. Him.

“Hey, guys,” a soft voice says, and I turn my head to see Skylar and Landon standing in the entryway to the kitchen.

My hands stop shaking.

Landon has his arm wrapped around her waist, looking at her fondly.

Her sweet scent mildly mixes with Landon’s.

Their mating bond is in place.

But instead of jealousy, I feel…relief.
