Page 66 of Rogue's Cross

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Word spread pretty quickly throughout Purgatory about our night at the Blue Rose. Mark and Zach were less than thrilled once they found out they were going to be watching male dancers.

There’s a twinkle in Tony’s eye as he waits for a play-by-play. Luckily, we’re not insanely busy, so I can give it to him.

“Incredible.” I toss an empty beer bottle in the trash. “Mark and Zach were pissed as hell once they realized Apple wasn’t singing.”

“Mark thought Apple was gonna sing?”

“Yep. The Blue Rose is Apple’s old stomping ground and where she was discovered, so he assumed that’s what we were there for.” I chuckle. “Apple left to go talk to Amelia, the events coordinator, and Mark thought she was getting ready to take the stage. A few minutes later, the lights dimmed, and Mark and Zach screamed louder than anyone else in the theater. Neither of them ever realized that they were the only men in the room. In their defense, we were at the table right in front of the stage, so they were blind to everyone behind us.”

“Oh, Jesus.”

“The music started, and the lights came back on, and there was a guy, front and center, his body slick with oil and his package almost hanging out.” I laugh at the memory. “Mark screamed, and Zach threatened to wash his eyes with bleach. Mark thought that was hilarious until a group of cougars sitting next to us thought Zach and Mark were part of the act and tried to take off their pants while rubbing their tits all over them.”

Tony holds his stomach from laughing so hard. Unfortunately, our conversation is cut short as more customers flood in.

Thorn takes a seat across the bar and stares me down. “Bob?”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I say, feigning innocence and batting my lashes.

Thorn wags his finger at me. “I’ll admit it. You got me and Spike good.”

I giggle. “You kinda asked for it.”

“I did. Can I get a beer?” he asks, and I quickly slide the beer across the counter. “You’re good for each other, you know.”

“I don’t know if I’m good enough for him or not.”

“You are, and don’t you ever fucking doubt it.”

I avert my gaze. “Thanks, Thorn.”

He thumps the bar and slips off the stool. I watch him walk to the VIP section and think about what he said. My thoughts are interrupted when Waylon slides in beside me.

“How’s everything going up here?”

“Good. We could use another few bottles of Jack though.”

“I’ll grab it,” Waylon volunteers.

Waylon and I seem to have an unspoken truce of some sort. He quit hovering, and I don’t think about stabbing him as much anymore. Of course, Waylon doesn’t know about my part of the truce. I do my job and keep my head low.

A few hours later, I feel Rogue’s presence before I see him walking through the door. Static fills the air, causing goosebumps to break out all over my skin. His lips curve when he sees me watching him, but a moment later, Waylon tries to intercept him, and his lips set in a hard line. Rogue’s steps become more purposeful as he makes his way over to me with Waylon following in his wake.

“I need you and Waylon in my office.” Rogue glances at Tony. “You good for a while by yourself?”

“Uh… yeah. We’re slowing down, but I can always pull Connie or Lana if we get busy again,” Tony answers.

“Shouldn’t take long.” Rogue crooks his finger at me and Waylon. “Come with me.”

Once we’re inside the office, Rogue sits behind the desk and gestures at the chairs.

“What’s up, boss?” Waylon asks to break the silence.

Rogue leans forward, resting his arms on the desk, and glares at Waylon. “That’s what I’d like to know. Where the fuck is my money?”

“How am I supposed to know?” Waylon hooks his thumb in my direction. “Last time I checked, Skye here was the one who had all that cash in her locker.”

“We know for a fact Skye didn’t take it.”
