Page 62 of Dark Wings

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“I won’t bite her. I’ll do this.” He ran a nail over my neck. A slow stinging pain spread where he had touched. Then, he brought his fingers to his mouth and moaned. “Delicious.”

“That’s enough,” a fae said as he approached us. I didn’t know what kind he was, but he sounded like the boss.

I blinked, trying to focus enough to get my bearings. More supernaturals arrived and formed a semicircle around us. Levi had already killed the first two, but now he was busy with another handful of enemies.

“Just take her,” the fae said.

No, they couldn’t take me. If they took me, they would lock me in a room until the angels came for me, and as an almost human, I would have no way to escape.

I pushed to my feet, finally landed a good uppercut on the vampire, and a back kick on the other.

The fae moved his fingers and vines sprouted from under the gravel and wrapped around my legs and arms. “I’ll enjoy this,” he said. Then, he punched my gut and my chin.

I blacked out for a moment.

When I came to, I was too far gone, my head and my chest hurt, I couldn’t breathe and could barely see, but I knew I was on the shoulder of one of the vampires, and they were taking me away.

Suddenly, a roar erupted in the air.

I forced myself to stay conscious, to find out what that was.

Levi, in his demon form, barreled into the supernaturals.

He picked up a car as if it weighed as much as a feather and threw it at three of them, enveloped three in his shadows and they seemed to be suffocating, and he flapped his wings and arched into the sky, landing right in front of us.

He shocked the fae and the vampires with his darkfire and caught me in his arms before I fell to the ground. Without wasting a second, Levi took off running to the woods.

“Hang on. I’ll call for help,” he said, his voice monstrous.

I blinked, trying to look at him. I could feel he was in his demon form, but it was still his scent, still his warmth. I rested my head on his shoulder. “Just hold on to me,” I whispered.

Then, I fainted.


My head pounded and I hadn’t even opened my eyes.

By the light, what had happened?—

Before the sentence finished forming in my mind, I remembered. The diner, the price on my head, the supernaturals, the fight.

Levi running with me in his arms.

I sat up and groaned as the pain intensified. I inhaled a handful of times, until the pain lessened. Then I opened my eyes and found myself lying on a bedsheet on a torn couch in a dark, strange room. There were a couple of windows to my right, but they had been covered with plywood, and two metal doors ahead.

Beside the couch was a cardboard box with my phone, a water bottle, and one vial of my potion. Right, I didn’t even remember when the last time was I had taken it. I tipped it and drank a good dose. Then I grabbed my phone.

This couldn’t be right. It was almost eleven in the morning, which meant … I had passed out for almost a full day.

My phone also had dozens of messages—mostly from Hazel, one of the only numbers I had saved, and another unknown number, but when I clicked on the messages, I saw it was from Khalisa.

I had been right. They had heard the angels had put a price on my head and they were worried. Hazel also told me all of my friends were desperate after me. They wanted to know what was going on and what they could do to help me.

My heart squeezed.

If I told them the truth, would they believe in me, or would they side with Elysium?

I sighed and tried forgetting about it. I wouldn’t contact them; I wouldn’t even answer Hazel’s and Khalisa’s messages. Thankfully, I hadn’t given Erin my number when we met a couple of days ago, or I’m sure she would be calling me too.

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