Page 61 of Dark Wings

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I stiffened.

“What is it, sweetheart?” Levi followed my gaze. “A half demon, and a lion shifter.”

The duo sat three booths from us. The server came, they ordered coffee, and all the while, they kept shooting glances our way.

Could they have been at the nightclub last night? We were over four hours from Las Vegas, and it was another day. Those supernaturals had either forgotten about Levi and me, or they were still looking for us around Las Vegas.

They wouldn’t be out here. Right?

Levi’s phone rang again and he cursed under his breath. “Yes?” he answered with a bite.

Three seconds in and he stared at me, eyes narrowed. He kept listening to whoever was on the other line, and his gaze shifted to the supernatural duo, the ones who were still shooting daggers with their eyes.

“Understood,” Levi said before putting his phone down.

He looked out the window, to a pickup truck that had parked in front of the diner, bringing in more supernaturals.

My stomach coiled. “What’s going on?”

“Apparently, the angels went crazy,” he said, his voice low. “They put out something like a wanted poster of you. Extremely high reward.”

“What?” I squeaked.

I had never heard of anything like that before. It was insane!

Then my phone rang. I frowned, since only a handful of people had this number. It was Hazel. Surely, she had seen the “poster” and the reward. I ignored the call, but soon my phone vibrated with lots of messages.

“We need to get out of here,” Levi said.

My frown deepened. Yeah, we had to, but I didn’t have my powers. Other than fighting my way out, I was a sitting duck. “Lead the way,” I mumbled, irritated with this shit.

Casually, Levi left a one-hundred-dollar bill on the table and stood up. I drank the last sip of my drink and stood with him. As we expected, the two supernaturals stood and the ones outside formed a wide semicircle in front of the front door.

Levi slipped his hand in mine. “Ready?” he asked, his voice low.

He lifted one hand and shadows jutted out from all corners, enveloping the diner in darkness. Levi pulled me down and we rushed to the kitchen—I went with him, because I couldn’t see anything, but perhaps he could; after all, this was his magic.

We crossed the kitchen—the scent of grease thick in the air—and exited through the back. The shadows covered most of the building and some of the parking lot, but when we finally stepped through the dark cloud into a gravel space in the back, four supernaturals were waiting for us.

“You didn’t think it would be easy, right?” one of them asked. From what I could tell, he was a lesser demon. His companions were two vampires, and a shifter, not sure what kind.

“Where’s the fun in easy?” Levi asked, his tone as charming as ever.

He sent out a wave of darkfire. The two vampires zoomed out of range, but the magic hit the demon and the shifter. They went down but didn’t stay down. Levi kept assailing them with his magic. The lesser demon threw his darkfire at Levi, and the shifter shifted into a lion and lunged.

I turned to the side, with the idea of trying to get the car, any car, so we could get away from him, but faced the two vampires.

“Sweet, sweet angel,” one of them said.


I brought my fists up, but they were too fast for me. They played with me as if I was nothing. I punched, jabbed, and kicked air, while they zoomed around me and karate-chopped my back, my neck, and my stomach, taking the air away.

Dizzy, I fell to my knees. One vampire caught my hair and pulled my head back, exposing my throat, while the other loomed over me, licking his lips.

“I bet her blood tastes sweet.”

“We shouldn’t taste it. We have a reward to get.”
