Page 27 of Redeem Me

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Wiping off most of the makeup, I accept how there’s no hiding the bruises yet.

Finally, I sit on the toilet and close my eyes. Siobhan’s voice sinks past my edgy shell and temporarily comforts me.

Yet, I nearly vomit when a knock on the door draws my attention away from the kids. They’re still sleepy-eyed from their nap, yet ready to play. I plan to bring them outside with me to talk with Bear. Not only will he be less likely to yell at me with the children watching, but I also want to see how he behaves with them.

If Bear’s cold or hostile, I’ll roll my dice with whoever my family chooses. I didn’t take beatings for two years just to have another man threaten my kids.

“You have a visitor,” explains the estate manager when I answer.

I finish tying my shoes and take the kids’ hands. “We’re going outside to play,” I tell them as they watch the estate manager still at the door. “I have to talk to Siobhan’s brother.”

“Kiera and Deirdre play?” Jacinda asks, mauling Deirdre’s name.

“Not today but soon.”

Jacinda starts to pout until Hector hugs her. They nearly fall over from squeezing each other so tightly. I smile at their little faces and promise I’ll do whatever necessary to give them the life they deserve. If Bear can treat them well, I will swallow my anger and grab hold of this new opportunity.

As we walk downstairs, I’m filled with steely determination. Stepping out into the cloudy day, I scan past the security nearby to the parked motorcycle.

Bear stands with his arms wound tightly across his powerful chest. I’m struck stupid by the sight of him. He’s more handsome than even my best fantasy. His brown hair is wind-swept. His tanned face and dark, scruffy beard give him rugged beauty. He’s wearing worn jeans and boots. Yet, his black T-shirt looks newer. His blue eyes—capable of making me crazy from across the room—currently size up the security.

I recall how my fingers would slide through his beard when I’d pull him closer for a kiss. I also remember how the rough hairs felt against my inner thighs when he made me go wild.

When his gaze finds me, Bear’s expression softens. A smile threatens to form. He rips away the last two years, leaving me aching with an old longing.

No man can make me come apart with a simple half smile like Bear O’Malley.



I don’t want to wake up. My head hurts every time I open my eyes. Natasha is in many of my dreams, always messing around with other guys. I beat up a few, but she keeps finding more. Even stressed in the dreams, I like how close I am to catching her.

Tack tries to wake me softly. He whispers my name and shakes my shoulder. When I ignore him for long enough, he kicks the bed and threats to piss on me.

“You’ve got to get up, fool,” he grumbles and spills water on my face. “You can’t miss your big date.”

I swing at him when he splashes me again. This round of liquid is hot, and I worry he’s using me as a toilet.

Tack sidesteps my attempts to hit him. I smell my clothes and realize he’s spilled coffee on me rather than piss.

“Asshole,” I mutter, sitting with my head in my hands.

“Noble said you’re expected at the Thibeaux Mansion in a few hours.”

“What for?”

“Do you not know?”

“Shit,” I mumble. “Did he tell you why?”

“No, but I assumed it’s because you’re still hung up on Natasha.”

Rubbing my eyes, I peer up at him and consider lying. But he’s been harboring a sloppy-bitch crush on Hunter Knudsen for a long time. The rich redhead is pals with Siobhan, but she won’t give a biker like Tack the time of day.

“Don’t you feel like a loser for wanting someone who doesn’t want you?”

Tack runs a hand through his shaggy blond hair before shrugging. “I have no doubt Hunter wants me. But I lied to her because that shit worked on other women. Now, I’ve got to wait for my second chance.”
