Page 51 of Hearty

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There is no way August would ever say no to my grandmother or that anyone would say no to my grandmother, for that matter. August allows Nonna to pull her along, and I silently thank my overbearing family for pulling her into our orbit today.

She might not be here for me, but at least I get to spend time around her outside of the confines of our shared house.

An hour later, we’re all stuffed and a little tipsy, and my niece is sitting on August’s lap, telling her a story. August looks so enthralled and adorable listening to the little girl, and something in my head starts ringing low but insistent, like a warning or a revelation. I’m terrified to unwrap it in my brain, so I leave it there … but I know what it means.

Watching her with kids is something I like. Seeing her be sweet to these children is oddly addicting.

What the fuck is this woman doing to me?

I can’t stay away any longer, but it’s not like I can go over and pull her into my lap. She’s got a lot of turmoil with certain members of my family right now, and I don’t want to throw another wrench into her life just because I want to flirt with her at this barbecue.

But it doesn’t mean we can’t spend time together. We’re roommates, after all. It’s totally normal for roommates to go for a walk or take one of the row boats out.

“Let’s go out on the water.” I stand over her, not posing my sentence as a question.

“Um, I don’t know.” She glances at the shore where the small waves lap.

“Come on, it’ll be fun. I’ll do all the pedaling.” I wink at her, the beer giving me a cocky edge.

Her smirk makes my balls tingle, and I’d rather take her home than out on the lake, but my family would know something is up. God, she’s gorgeous.

“All right. But as long as they don’t need you?”

“They’re fine. No one needs anything cooked, prepped, or cut,” I joke, but sometimes I feel like that might be all I’m good for.

August frowns. “You know they love you for way more than that.”

Leave it to her to see right through me. “Yeah, yeah. Come on, let’s do this.”

She stands, putting my niece on her feet, and we walk toward the river together.

“I’m glad you came, even if you didn’t know about it.” I should have invited her, and the guilt burns my chest. “If I would have asked, you’d have said no, right?”

“Probably.” She frowns beside me.

“That’s what I thought. Seems like fate made it happen anyway.”

“Who are you and what have you done with Evan? Talking about myths and the universe?” She grins.

“Sometimes I wax poetic,” I tease, untying one of the paddle boats and helping her in.

The moment her hand is in mine, a spark zings from my fingertips down to my spine.

This is something couples do, taking a boat ride during our small-town barbecue festival. If someone who didn’t know us was watching this interaction, they might think we’re dating. The thought sends a warm feeling through my chest, and I wonder if August is thinking the same thing.

Powering the boat with my feet, I bring us out into the middle of the calm water, making sure the small current doesn’t take us too far.

“We used to float the river all the time when I was a kid,” I say, trying to make conversation.

“I did it a few times, but I’ve always liked the beach more than a river or lake. Don’t tell the townspeople, they might chase after me with pitchforks.” She wiggles her eyebrows.

“You’ll have to come out with us this summer. We bring a floating cooler with beers and a speaker; it’s much better than the days of burning in rafts with your high school friends.”

“Maybe I will.” She nods. “You know, teenage me would be freaking out right now.” She chuckles.

We’ve already established her crush from yesteryear, but it makes me happy that she doesn’t seem embarrassed to bring it up anymore.

“And adult me is freaking out. I have the prettiest girl in the whole town in my boat.” I wink at her again.
