Page 50 of Hearty

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She nods, sipping her drink out of her red plastic cup. “We always said so, but he’s so darn cute I never could help it.”

I grin gleefully like I’m the most innocent kid she has. “Thanks, Ma. I knew I was your favorite.”

She tries to swat at me half-heartedly. “I have no favorites! Stop that, Evan.”

When she uses my name, I know she means business.

“Stop bothering your mother,” Dad says, rubbing his hand over his heart.

“You okay?” Patrick asks him, walking by carrying a big serving platter full of meats and cheeses.

“I’m fine. Just need another beer.” Dad smiles, walking over to the cooler.

Around us, the kids are running, or the ones who can walk are playing a game of chase. At least one of them takes a tumble every five seconds, but they get right up, unfazed.

“August!” Cassandra yells out, and my heart starts beating double time at the mention of her name.

Immediately, my scalp starts to tingle. When I turn, a baseball mitt on my hand, I see her waving from the canal path. Her surprised expression illustrates that she must have forgotten today was the barbecue fest and that she wasn’t expecting to see the entire Ashton clan here.

Black spandex shorts wrap around her upper legs in the most delicious fashion, and a tight white T-shirt hugs her breasts and waist. She’s spent every night in my bed, yet we barely interact during daylight hours. We fall asleep in the midst of conversation, but I get the feeling, as she approaches with a stand-off nature, that she wouldn’t want anyone in my family to know that.

Meanwhile, I want to rush up to her and sink my hands in that tumble of blond hair, but I think she might knee me in the balls if I try.

“I’m so glad you’re here! Did you know where we were camped out?” Cass asks her, giving her a hug.

One by one, my family members hug her, but I stay back. We don’t talk about what’s going on between us; we don’t discuss the sex. I’ve wanted to try to broach the subject of how I feel about her, but I get the impression it will send her running in the other direction. She has so much on her mind right now that if all I can be to her is a release at the end of a long day, I’ll take what I can get.

“Hey.” I nod, not approaching her.

“Hey.” She sends me a little finger wave, and I so badly want to blurt out to my family that we’ve been sleeping together.

That would be awkward as shit. But a caveman part of my brain wants to lay claim to her. The only time I seem to be allowed to do that is when I’m buried deep inside her.

“Hey.” She and Warren come face-to-face, and he looks so sad that I want to give my brother-in-law a hug.

“Hi.” She blinks, and I know they both are holding on to this tension.

Something tells me I should go to her, be by her side, because I’m so in tune with her emotions these days that I know she needs a shoulder if she wants to lean on it.

“Do you guys want a minute?” I grasp her elbow and ask in a low voice.

“Not here. This is a fun family thing.” She looks around as if she shouldn’t be here.

I’m about to scold her for trying to exclude herself, but my sister runs in, and body slams her into a bear hug.

“I’m so sorry. I should have told you years ago, but we just love you and want the best for you. Forgive us?” Leave it to Alana to be the obnoxious one you can never say no to.

August huffs out a shaky chuckle, and I see the tears glistening in her eyes as she hugs my sister back. “We can talk it out later, but I’m less mad than I was.”

“We only want the very best for you. I’m sorry I didn’t just come clean about it.” Warren’s voice is serious, and he aims a genuine look at her.

“I know you do.” She nods, their connection evident.

“Come eat with us.” I want to sling my arm around her shoulders so badly, but I don’t think she’ll appreciate that in front of our whole family.

“No, I won’t interrupt. I was just on a walk and forgot that this festival happened today. I’m going to head back to the house.”

“No, you’re not.” Nonna walks up out of nowhere and takes August by the hand. “I made my special caramel cake for dessert that you used to love that when you were in high school. You’re staying.”
