Page 37 of The Warlock's Trial

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Verla leaned over to whisper, “It’s time.”

My heart pitter-pattered in my chest as I walked forward. The circle of dancers expanded, until Lucas and I met in the middle. I wanted to reach out for him—I couldn’t wait—but my veil was in the way.

I noticed something about Lucas I hadn’t seen before. His form almost glowed, but the magical glow was dark, barely discernible in the fading light.

As the song began to fade into the last chord, my bridesmaids approached and gently pulled back my veil. Bright white light shimmered off my form and lit up the clearing. Grammy had told me this would happen, but I was still surprised to see it. It was a product of the potion they’d given me, and Lucas’s glow came from the potion his groomsmen had brewed for him. I represented light, and Lucas represented darkness. Together, we represented the union of the entire spectrum. The darkness and the light, finally united as one.

Our friends dropped the hoods of their cloaks as the forest became quiet. I heard Verla and Grammy approach and join us, but I couldn’t take my eyes off Lucas. He wore a huge grin, like he couldn’t wait to take me in his arms.

Talia stepped forward, and everyone else joined hands to lock us into the circle. They began swaying from side to side in unison. Witch weddings were seen as a community event, to bless the couple and bring them into the coven as a singular unit. Traditionally, the bride and grooms’ closest friends formed an inner circle to help officiate the ceremony, while the rest of the guests sat in chairs in a secondary circle outlining the ceremony space. Tonight, however, only our closest friends and family were in attendance, so everyone participated in the inner circle.

“Nadine, Lucas,” Talia said. “You have chosen me to act as Mother Miriam’s proxy, to facilitate this ceremony so that you may be wed in the eyes of the Goddess. Join hands.”

I beamed as I reached out for Lucas. His hands were warm when they met mine, and the tingles throughout my body grew in intensity as our glows merged together. I had to physically hold myself back from throwing my arms around him. Tendrils of magic swirled around our hands, locking them together. The light emanating from my skin dimmed, while his glow grew brighter.

Grammy had called this part of the ceremony handfasting, in which our hands were magically tied together to represent the binding of our lives.

I love you, Lucas mouthed to me.

I love you, too, I mouthed back.

“Nadine, Lucas,” Talia continued. “We are gathered here tonight because you have asked your family and friends to bless your union, so that you may be bound together in this life and become one amongst the coven. We will begin by inviting the community to give their blessings.”

Talia turned to Grammy. “Do you accept this union?”

Grammy stepped forward. “I accept this union and bless the couple with the sign of the owl, to offer you wisdom when all seems hopeless. So shall it be.”

“So shall it be,” everyone repeated.

The women had already offered blessings in the bridal ceremony, but when they had brewed the potion, they had blessed me. Here, they were proclaiming their approval of our union and blessing our marriage. Grammy had chosen the same blessing of wisdom at both ceremonies, though the guests could choose anything they wanted.

Chloe went next with the sign of the cat, a blessing for us to remain independent beings while still thriving as a couple. Onyx followed with the mark of the potion, to brew a new beginning between the two of us. Verla blessed us with the power of the oak tree, symbolizing strength, stability, and courage. Miles chose the mark of the wand, to cast our dreams into reality, and Grant chose the sign of the toad, to bring abundance.

Professor Warren stepped forward. “I accept this union and bless this couple with the power of the oak tree, to give them strength, a stable marriage, and courage for the path ahead. So shall it be.”

I found it interesting that Professor Warren and Verla had chosen the same blessing, but they were both our mentors, and I was certain they believed we needed courage for the path ahead of us. Goddess knew we did.

Talia went last. “I accept this union and bless this couple with the sign of the raven, to transform from two people into one. So shall it be.”

My hands shook in anticipation as I spoke, “So shall it be.”

“Goddess, gods, ancestors, and guides,” Talia called out into the forest. “Descend upon us to bless this union between this witch and warlock through sacred matrimony.”

Silvery lights appeared in the trees above us. They were unlike the orbs floating there—shinier and more ethereal than any magic I’d seen before. It took me a second to realize they were spirits!

The spirits dimmed into wispy features of those that had left us far too soon. I didn’t recognize any of them at first. They must’ve been our ancestors, because they wore all different kinds of dress that dated back hundreds of years. There had to be dozens of spirits, circling us in and bringing us close.

Then I saw the most beautiful faces in the crowd, and I had to squeeze Lucas’s hands to keep from falling to my knees. My parents stood before me in spirit. They didn’t look a day older than I remembered them. Dad’s cheeks still dimpled when he smiled, and Mom’s eyes twinkled in that way they always did when she told me she was proud of me.

Grammy had told me our ancestors could appear during the wedding ceremony, but I didn’t actually believe it was possible. I knew my religion taught there was a life after death, and I’d seen ghosts before, so I knew it was real, but actually seeing my loved ones waiting for us on the other side was profound. It was one thing to know it in my soul, and something else entirely to experience it first-hand. I didn’t think I’d ever see my parents again, not until I joined them in Alora, but the magic here tonight was strong. A piece of me had been broken when they’d died, but seeing them here tonight made that hole inside me disappear for just a brief moment.

“Mom? Dad?” I whispered.

Isa broke away from the circle, and she ran over to my mother. Cornelius followed and bowed his head to a young man who stood beside her.

“Grampy?” I recognized him from photos. Mom and Dad smiled at me, and Grampy gave a kind nod.

Oliver approached a man who looked so much like Lucas. It was his brother, Eric.
