Page 36 of The Warlock's Trial

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I gazed down at Isa. “She is, sort of.”

“Her soul is here in a way,” Verla agreed. “But it’s not the same. She should’ve been here to walk you down the aisle. I’m honored that you asked me to take her place, but this was your mother’s right.”

“If my mother can’t be here, I’m glad it’s you. You’ve done so much to help me with my powers, and you’ve supported me every step of the way the same way my mother would have if she was still alive. You advocated for me against the school board, and you saved mine and Lucas’s lives in our trial. I owe you so much, Clarice. I’m happy you’re guiding me down the aisle.”

Verla furrowed her brow. “You called me by my first name.”

I shrugged. “You’re not Headmistress Verla. You’re family.”

“I’m not family, Nadine,” she said gently. “I’m honored you would say that, but I can’t take your mother’s place.”

“You aren’t taking her place, and you never could, but you’re honoring her by stepping in when she can’t be here. You’ve been here for me since I arrived at Miriam College, teaching me everything you know and guiding me every step of the way. I can’t have my mom here, because she’s gone now, but I can have you. You’re my mother, Clarice, and you have been ever since I came to Octavia Falls. Even before that, you were looking out for me, when I didn’t even know it. I want you to be my mom, and I hope you’ll believe me when I say I love you. I just wish it didn’t take so long to say it.”

Tears beaded in the corners of Verla’s eyes. “If this is the way you feel, then I will accept you as my own. I’ve always seen you as my daughter, Nadine, though I was terrified to say such a thing out loud. I hope you can forgive me for holding back.”

I fell into Verla’s arms and began to sob. Tears streaked my cheeks, and one of her tears fell onto my shoulder.

Verla held me close. “Family is the most important thing, Nadine. I’m honored to be considered part of your family, and I’m happy to witness you starting a new family with Lucas. You must protect this union, because your family will always be there for you.”

I sniffled. “I don’t mean to get emotional.”

“Do it!” she cried. “Get emotional. It’s your wedding day!”

I laughed, but the laughter came with tears of joy. Verla hugged me tighter, and the strong emotions overcoming me eased.

I gently wiped my eyes and drew away. “How’s my makeup?”

“It’s perfect.” Verla took my hand. “Come. It’s time to tell that boy you love him.”

I looped my hand through Verla’s elbow, and she guided me downstairs and through the front door. The rain had let up, just as Talia had promised. Although the sun had set, I could still make out the beautiful oranges and yellows of the leaves on the ground and in the trees.

Verla led me into the forest beside the house, and Isa and Odin followed at our feet. She guided me down a narrow trail that twisted through the trees. In the distance, I heard an owl hoot, then caught the sound of a stream trickling nearby. As we neared the ceremony site, I heard voices singing a traditional Miriamic wedding song in a minor key.

Verla and I stepped into a clearing beside the stream, and my jaw dropped in wonder. Glowing orbs danced above our heads, and red autumn leaves swirled beneath a large oak tree. In the center of the clearing, Grant, Talia, Chloe, Miles, Onyx, and Professor Warren were cloaked in black, dancing in a circle to the rhythm of their song. There were no drum beats or instruments to accompany their voices—just a beautiful a capella tune sung in perfect harmony.

Hush, now

The time for vows

Is coming all so soon

Tonight we seek

Our mother’s blessing

Underneath the moon

Protect this space

And hear our prayers

To bless this sacred union

A large white orb hovered between each of their hands, creating a beautiful lights display as they danced. Their cats made a circle around them, and Isa and Odin rushed forward to join the cats in the dance. I spotted movement across the clearing, and I saw Oliver and Cornelius rushing to join them as well.

That’s when I noticed Grammy leading Lucas into the clearing opposite me. Lucas was dressed in a black tux with a purple tie, and his hair had been slicked back in a really sexy way. He looked as starstruck as I did at the beautiful setting.

Then his gaze focused past the dancers, and a smile spread across his face when he saw me. Everything around us seemed to fade as our eyes locked. Time seemed to stand still for a moment, and my knees locked up as I took him in. I couldn’t believe our time was finally here. Grammy nudged Lucas, and he started forward.
