Page 34 of The Warlock's Trial

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I stared at myself in the mirror, loving the way my eyes seemed brighter than normal. “Wow, I look really good.”

“Everyone gather around,” Grammy instructed. “I want to take some pictures!”

We spent another few hours snacking, laughing, and getting ourselves perfect for the ceremony. Grammy and Verla moved in and out of the room as they helped set up for the ceremony and reception elsewhere.

Soon, it was time to get our dresses on. All of the girls wore long purple gowns. Each was a different shape, as I’d let them pick out the dresses that they liked best when we went shopping in Hok’evale.

Grammy and I went into the bathroom so that I could change into my wedding dress in private. Grammy and I had picked it out over the summer, when everyone else was off researching the Wands. We’d called the bridal shop in Hok’evale to order it and picked it up with the bridesmaid dresses, but no one else had seen it yet.

Grammy helped me into it, and she buttoned up back. “How are we feeling?”

“I don’t have cold feet, if that’s what you mean,” I said.

“You’re confident this is the right thing to do?” she asked.

I noticed she didn’t ask if I was nervous, like so many other people would. It helped shift the focus to the good I was feeling, and I could honestly say I had no second thoughts about marrying Lucas.

“I know Lucas and I are meant to be together,” I told her. “I can’t wait to marry him. I’m also really excited to be attending my first witch wedding!”

“I guarantee it won’t disappoint,” Grammy said with a chuckle. “We’re going to show you how fun a witch wedding can be.”

Grammy finished with the buttons, and I spun to look at myself in the mirror. My gown was a sleeveless A-line dress with a plunging neckline and beads all over the bodice. The beading was both subtle and intricate, and I felt like I sparkled with every motion. The skirt was made of tulle, and the dress had a simple sweep train that flowed behind me. I hadn’t liked any of the white dresses we looked at, so I’d opted for silver, and I couldn’t be happier.

Grammy gazed at me in the mirror. “You look beautiful, Nadine. Lucas is going to faint when he sees you.”

“I hope not! He needs to say his vows.”

Grammy chuckled. “Let’s show the girls.”

She opened the door a crack and announced, “We’re coming out!”

The chatter died, and I stepped into the bedroom to see four beautiful faces smiling back at me.

“Oh, my Goddess!” Talia cried. “You look gorgeous.”

Chloe’s jaw dropped, and Onyx threw her hands over her mouth. Verla’s eyes watered as she placed her hands over her heart.

“The dress is beautiful,” Verla said. “It’s just missing one thing.”

Verla took the blue hair pin from the vanity, and I watched in the mirror as she placed it in my hair. It looked perfect.

“It’s almost time to head down for the ceremony,” Verla said. “But before we go, we must prepare your Blessing Brew.”

Grammy had told me this was a tradition for all women in the Miriamic Coven. It was a ceremony that the bridesmaids performed to bless the union before the ceremony. I was really excited to see what it was like.

The girls stepped aside to reveal an altar they’d set up while I was in the bathroom. Atop a small table was a bubbling cauldron surrounded by candles and crystals. Five vials of herbs stood in a neat line in front of the potion.

Grammy gestured everyone forward. “Gather around!”

We stood in a circle around the altar. Our cats came running, too, and they hopped onto the tabletop and began circling the potion.

“As the maid of honor, Talia will act as Mother Miriam’s proxy, in which she stands in place of our goddess to bless the bride,” Grammy explained.

Talia stood opposite me and raised her hands above the cauldron. “Mother Miriam, we call upon you to bless this union so that we may celebrate the love between Nadine and Lucas, and bring the coven closer together.”

Talia wasn’t an Alchemist, but the brew began to bubble more rapidly.

“Speak the incantation with me,” Talia instructed.

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