Page 33 of The Warlock's Trial

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My face fell. “That’s not good. We’re supposed to have the ceremony outside.”

“No, this is perfect,” Talia said. “Rain on your wedding day symbolizes cleansing and fertility. It’s like nature is washing everything clean for you. This is a good omen.”

I brightened up. “Oh! In that case, bring on the rain.”

“It should let up before sundown,” Talia promised. “In the meantime, we have an entire day of pampering planned to get you ready for the ceremony.”

“That sounds like fun. Where do we start?” I asked.

“Right in here.” Talia gestured to her attached bath.

I got out of bed—careful not to disturb Isa, who was sleeping at my feet—and went into the bathroom. The scent of lavender filled my nose, and I noticed that Talia had already filled the bath. Beside the tub sat a neat pile of pampering supplies from the gift basket she’d given me at my bridal shower. There was a face mask, moisturizer, a loofah, and more. The lights were off, and candles had been lit all around the room. Soft music played through a speaker on the counter.

“I already put in the Epsom salts, and there’s a robe for you on the back of the door,” Talia said. “The girls will be here at ten to start on hair and makeup, which should give us plenty of time until the ceremony at sunset. Enjoy!”

Talia left me in the bathroom, and I stripped down and sank into the water. It was so warm, and the bath salts made my skin feel silky and smooth. I put the face mask on and rested my head back, enjoying the calmness surrounding me.

I didn’t know how long I sat there, but I nearly fell asleep again. I washed my hair and shaved, but I didn’t get out until the water had turned cold. I dried off and wrapped the robe around myself, then returned to the bedroom. Talia had made the bed, and I noticed a new collection of oils and lotions on the nightstand.

“Next up on our day of pampering is a massage!” Talia exclaimed.

“I was not expecting the five-star treatment,” I said with a smile.

“Girl, it’s your wedding day. I’m not giving you a free moment to worry. Today’s all about you.”

“And Lucas,” I added.

“Well, this morning, it’s about you,” she said. “Lay face-down on the bed and relax. You leave the rest up to me.”

Talia left the room for a minute while I stripped off my robe and lay down, pulling the blanket up around my waist. She returned and dimmed the lights, before turning on calming music. Talia rubbed lotions and oils over my back, and I found myself relaxing deep into the mattress.

Talia finished an hour later and announced breakfast was on its way. I dressed back into my robe, and the rest of my bridesmaids arrived several minutes later. Talia, Chloe, and Onyx wore robes that matched mine, but Verla and Grammy were dressed casually.

“I hope you’re hungry!” Chloe exclaimed. She stepped aside, and plates of food floated into the room behind her.

“Starving,” I said.

The girls all gathered around to nibble on pastries and fancy cheeses, and Chloe called Talia over to the mirror to start working on her hair. We listened to music and joked around while I helped steam the bridesmaid dresses. Hours passed, and everyone seemed to be having a great time.

“All right, Nadine. It’s your turn,” Chloe announced.

I sat in the chair in front of the mirror. Chloe curled my hair, then twisted the strands into an intricate bun at the base of my neck. It took her over half an hour to pin my hair back, taking extra care with each strand. She finished the look by curling several loose pieces in front to frame my face.

“What do you think?” she asked when she finished.

I turned my head to view it from all angles. “I really love it. Thank you.”

Chloe picked up a brush. “Now, for your makeup.”

“I’ve got that covered.” I waved a hand in front of my face, and the color in my cheeks brightened. My eyebrows darkened, along with my lashes, and my lips turned mauve.

She stepped back to take a look at me. “Mm… let’s go a little wider with the eyeliner.”

I waved my hand again, and the line above my eye thickened.

“Add some contour here…” Chloe ran her finger below my cheekbone.

I followed her instructions, and she gasped. “I think that’s perfect!”
