Page 184 of The Warlock's Trial

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“We will,” I promised.

They handed back our baby boy, and immense relief washed over me as they faded. Something about letting our grief hold Dean’s spirit healed a wound deep inside me, and I could tell Nadine felt the same way. She breathed a huge sigh of relief and leaned her head against my shoulder. It was so beautiful and peaceful.

“It’s interesting,” I stated. “It was your job to bring him into this world, and it’s my job to let him go.”

Nadine curled close to me, until Dean was wrapped in an embrace between our bodies. “Goodbye, sweetheart,” Nadine whispered. “I didn't want to let you go before, because I thought I could protect you, but I see now that you're safe and all right. I can let go now… until we meet again.”

I cuddled Dean close. “You have nothing to worry about, baby boy. Someone’s coming to get you now, and they’re going to take good care of you. We love you, now and forever.”

Magic tingled through my spirit as a portal formed beside us. The glorious white glow of Alora filled the room. All the tears I’d been choking back before were gone now, because all I felt was pure happiness. Our baby boy was going someplace where no one could ever hurt him, and that was something to celebrate.

A shadow appeared in the center of the light. I wasn’t scared, because I recognized that silhouette all too well.

“Grammy!?” Nadine cried. She sagged against me, nearly collapsing under the shock of seeing her grandmother again.

Helena stood at the edge of the portal, smiling happily. “It’s wonderful to see you again, my dear.”

“I missed you so much,” Nadine sobbed.

“I know you've blamed yourself for my death, but I went willingly,” Helena told her gently. “I would've given myself up for you a million times over, because you are my granddaughter, and I love you. I have no regrets about how I left, only that I had to leave you. Alora is a place of peace, without suffering, and your grandfather and I are finally together again. We are happy here. There is nothing to forgive, and I'll wait for you in Mother Miriam's realm of love, so we can be together again."

A tear streaked my cheek. “It’s so good to see you, Helena. We never got a chance to say goodbye that night.”

“I know you wanted to help me cross over,” she said sadly. “But I didn’t want to make things harder on you, Lucas. I didn’t realize the toll it would take on you. Can you ever forgive me?”

“Of course,” I told her.

“I watched over you both,” Helena said. “I can’t come back physically, but all you need to do is connect with me in spirit, and I’ll be here as I am now.”

The way she said it was strange, like she wasn’t quite sure what had brought her back.

“Helena… do you know why you’re here?” I asked.

“Because you summoned me,” she said simply.

“Yes, but under normal circumstances, we shouldn’t be able to see you,” I told her. “You’re here to take Dean home to Alora.”

Helena took a step back into the light, seemingly confused. “No, that can’t be. He still has work here. Dean’s spirit is supposed to be on Earth at this moment in time.”

Nadine and I exchanged a glance.

“I don’t get it,” I said. “I thought this all happened for a reason. If Dean is supposed to be here, how can he be dead?”

“Perhaps your assumptions are not as they seem,” Helena said mysteriously.

I didn’t like the way she spoke without giving clear answers. He wasn’t coming back, if that’s what she meant. “Dean is gone. I buried him myself.”

“We can’t keep him with us in spirit form,” Nadine insisted. “He’ll be lost.”

“His time here is over,” I added. “He needs to move on to the next life. You’ll take him, won’t you?”

“Of course I will,” Helena said. “If what you said is true, he must cross over.”

Hesitantly, I stepped forward. I knew Dean had to go with Helena, and we were running out of time on the astral plane, but it killed me to let him go. My spirit shuddered as I placed Dean into Helena’s arms.

“Even if this is not the way things were meant to be, your loved ones can come back in many ways,” Helena reminded us. “We’ll be here for you whenever you need us.”

Nadine stepped up to the portal, so that she was face-to-face with Helena. “Before you go, I want to tell you I’ve missed you. I may never be able to make sense of why you were taken from us so soon, but I know you were here for me for the time we did have together, and I know you’re here for me now. I’ll take so much of you with me—not just in memory, but in who I am. So much of your love and your lessons shaped me, and your impact will always live on. I love you so much, Grammy, and I just want to finally tell you… goodbye.”

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