Page 132 of The Warlock's Trial

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“Can you look into the Reaper’s Shadow curse?” I wondered. “You might be able to see what we missed. We might still have a chance to break this curse for good before the babies arrive.”

“I’ve tried,” Talia assured us. “I’ve been looking for clues since last night, but the visions are hard to understand. From what I see, there are many paths that could potentially lead you toward answers, but I can’t tell you which one is going to be the one. There are still things that have to happen yet, and even a Seer can’t know everything about the future.”

“There must be more powers that you can tap into aside from visions,” I suggested.

“The empathic abilities I get from the Seer Wand are overwhelming,” Talia said. “It’s like I can feel all the emotions of the entire coven all at once, but I don’t know who is feeling what. With my natural gift of psychometry, it’s like I had one tab open on my browser. With the Seer Wand, it’s as if the entirety of the Internet is hitting me all at once. The information is there, but I can’t sort it out.”

“You aren’t able to focus on one problem at a time?” I asked.

“That’s what we’re working on,” Verla said.

Talia twisted the Wand around in her hands. “There’s areas I feel blocked in, too. I know I have all Seer magic at my fingertips, but there are things even I can’t break through.”

Lucas furrowed his brow. “Things like what? Counter magic of some sort?”

Talia shook her head. “I can’t tell. It could be me. I tried to have Miles use the Seer Wand, and he found it too overwhelming. He didn’t want anything to do with these visions. Maybe subconsciously I’m just trying to shield myself from that.”

“Don’t push yourself too hard,” I told her. “Your visions won’t help us if you aren’t in a space to properly interpret them.”

“I’m trying to use it sparingly. Every time I use the Seer Wand, I’m taking power from another Seer,” Talia added. “I don’t want to take more than is necessary.”

“Is there anything else you’ve found that’s useful?” Lucas wondered.

“I’ve tried to locate the Curse Breaker Wand, but it makes no sense,” Talia said. “All I see is blackness. There’s an emptiness to my visions that makes it feel so out of reach. I haven’t figured out how to interpret that yet. I’m still watching the priestesses, and I can see them discussing the Wands, but that’s about all I can get from them that makes any sense. Every future I look into seems to change.”

“Thank you for trying,” Lucas said, but I wasn’t ready to give up yet.

“If we can’t look into the future, maybe we could look into the past for answers,” I theorized.

“I’ll try,” Talia promised. “But it’s a lot of information to sift through. There’s hundreds of years of history, and I don’t know who or what I’m looking for.”

Verla stood. “Perhaps you should take a break, Talia. Go back to your room, and when you’re feeling well-rested, we can try some exercises to hone your focus.”

“Thanks, Verla—I mean, Clarice.” Talia placed the Seer Wand in the pocket of her sweatshirt and left the room.

Verla turned back to us. “I’m sorry we don’t have the answers you’re looking for, but maybe Nadine is on to something. We may not be able to decipher all the clues from the Wand just yet, but maybe we can still dig into the past.”

“How?” Lucas furrowed his brow.

“A past-life regression,” Verla suggested.

“Like getting visions of our past incarnations?” I asked. “How does that help us now?”

Verla sat down to explain. “Reincarnation is more than just about bringing your soul back to Earth one life after the next. It serves a purpose, and oftentimes as a fulfillment of that purpose, our destinies can be entwined, either with each other… or with future lifetimes.”

“So I could have been a reaper in a past lifetime?” Lucas wondered. “In that lifetime, I might’ve known more about my powers than I do now.”

“It’s possible,” Verla said. “But we won’t know until we try. Even if we don’t get clear answers about the issues that pertain to us today, past-life regressions can be very eye-opening regarding the journey that you’re on. Through each incarnation, a piece of your soul returns to Earth to learn new lessons. Some of these lessons can be carried from one life to the next. Or in some cases—such as with identical twins in the Miriamic Coven—a soul may split to experience lessons alongside each other in the same lifetime.”

“Twins must be really close, then,” I said sadly, thinking of the sister she’d lost.

Verla nodded. “Yes. It’s an unfortunate tragedy when one is lost. Within the Miriamic Coven, identical twins are a form of twin flame.”

“Our babies will be twin flames, then,” I realized, rubbing my belly. “Are they here with us already—their souls? Have they incarnated in these bodies already, even though they haven’t been born?”

“It depends on the soul,” Verla explained. “You can choose when to incarnate into your body. Some souls choose to do so in utero, and others wait until birth.”

“I feel like they’re here with us already,” I said. “It’s kind of nice to think our babies are each other’s soulmates.”

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