Page 111 of The Demon's Spell

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Gregory spun around when he heard us. I instantly fled. I felt awful for interrupting their private moment, and the last thing I wanted to do was make it awkward for them.

“Wait!” Gregory cried, stopping us before we reached the door.

“It’s not what it looks like,” Brayden insisted, the sound of his zipper filling the room.

“It’s fine,” I said, turning toward them as they emerged from the shadows. “We didn’t mean to interrupt.”

“We—we were just studying,” Gregory stammered. “A—and…”

“Please don’t tell anyone!” Brayden burst.

“There’s nothing wrong with what you were doing,” Talia said. “I think love of any kind is beautiful.”

Gregory sighed. “We’re not hiding our relationship because we’re gay. It’s because we’re different Casts.”

“Why’s that a problem?” I asked. “Talia and I are both in intercast relationships.”

Gregory crossed his arms. “Yeah, and that’s exactly why we’re keeping ours a secret. Have you not heard the way people talk about you?”

Talia huffed. “It’s not like we’re the first intercast couples. People marry outside their Cast all the time.”

“Not as often as you think,” Gregory said. “We’ve done the math. Only twelve percent of marriages in the last fifty years have been intercast.”

“That’s not a good reason to hide who you love,” I argued.

“Sure it is, when the coven starts calling for your head,” Gregory stated.

He sounded really worried, and it broke my heart. Gregory wasn’t exactly my favorite person on the planet. His intentions were morally questionable at best, but I didn’t believe he deserved a target on his back.

“We won’t tell anyone,” I promised.

Gregory’s shoulders slumped. He looked utterly defeated, and I didn’t think I’d ever seen him like that before. “Come on, babe. Let’s go.”

He grabbed Brayden’s hand, and they left the room.

Talia crossed her arms and turned toward me. “This is bullshit. Twelve percent or not, the priestesses are breaking up families.”

I gritted my teeth. “I know.”

Talia sighed. “Any intuitive hits?”

I glanced around the room, but all feelings I had when we entered were gone. I was too bothered by what Brayden and Gregory had said. I didn’t particularly care what people were saying behind my back, but I did care what kind of precedent it set for the rest of the coven.

“I think we’re going to have to come back another day,” I admitted. “Let’s go.”

I started to take a step, but Isa jumped in front of me, blocking my way to the door. She meowed loudly, like she didn’t want me to go. I stopped in my tracks.

“Okay… I guess we’re not going.” A chill spread over my skin, and my breath turned to vapor in the air. “Do you feel that?”

Talia shot a wary glance around the room. “This time it’s definitely a ghost.”


Talia and I both jumped, and Gus hissed loudly. A book had fallen off a nearby bookcase. I eyed it curiously from where it lay on the ground. It was spread open to a page of old photographs.

“Malicious spirit, or helpful?” I wondered.

Talia’s voice shook. “You tell me.”
