Page 110 of The Demon's Spell

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My chest still felt light, and I knew she was on to something. “That’s a great idea! The Wands are protected by magic, so intuition may not be enough to track them. But if we can track down a clue, we might find it!”

Talia shoved a few noodles in her mouth. “Then what are we waiting for?”

We quickly finished eating and headed out of the cafeteria. I stopped in the middle of the hall, wondering whether to go right or left.

Talia eyed me curiously, noticing my hesitation. “Truth? The clue lies to the right.”

I closed my eyes and furrowed my brow, but my body didn’t react to the statement. “Can you reword the question?”

“Truth? Turn left to find your answers.”

Something in my chest lifted, and I got excited. “I feel like we should go left.”

Talia smiled and skipped alongside me. “Ooh, this is fun! It’s like a treasure hunt.”

She was absolutely right. Hunting down the Wands had never been fun, but this was like a game. My intuition seemed to play along when I felt at ease.

We reached the end of the hall. “Truth? The clue is this way,” Talia said, gesturing to our right.

I shot a quick glance to the left, but something about that side of the hall churned my gut. “Yes, it’s to the right.”

We kept going until we hit a crossroads, and Talia repeated her questions, taking each hall in turn.

“Straight feels right,” I told her.

We passed by classrooms and study areas until we made it all the way across campus and stopped outside the library. Talia eyed the big double doors. “Do you think there’s a clue in the library?”

I tried to focus on how my body felt in response to her question, but I couldn’t tell what my intuition was trying to say.

“Maybe we missed something,” she suggested. “We could turn back—”

“No,” I said. “Turning back doesn’t feel right. We’ve been combing through the library for clues about the demon, but maybe we missed something about the Wands. Let’s check it out.”

We walked slowly through the library. I assessed the energy of each aisle as we passed, trying to get a feel of where to find this clue.

“It’s here,” I told Talia softly. “I’m just not sure where.”

She glanced around, until her gaze turned upward. “Truth? The clue is on the main level.”

My chest got heavy. “Not true. It must be upstairs.”

The upper level of the library wasn’t laid out as well as the main level. We walked through mazes of rooms, all piled to the ceiling with bookcases. The books here were all covered with dust and hadn’t been touched in a long time.

Talia gestured to an open doorway. “Truth? The clue is in here.”

I shook my head. “I’ve been in that room looking for demonology textbooks. I sense whatever we’re meant to find is somewhere we haven’t looked yet.”

“Mm…” Talia mused, before stopping in her tracks. She gazed down a row of bookcases. “How about in there?” She gestured to a room I’d never been in before, and I felt a slight nudge to go in that direction.

“It’s worth checking out.” I started forward, and Isa crept along at my heels. No one made a sound as we entered a small room no bigger than our dorm, lined with short aisles of bookcases. The room was dark, with nothing but a tiny window in the corner to let in the light. The sky was overcast today, and I could barely make out the words on the spines of the books. We’d entered some sort of records room.

“Maybe—” Talia started, but she cut off when a moan came from the corner behind one of the bookcases.

Talia shot me a confused look and mouthed, Ghost?

I had no idea what it could be. I lifted my finger to my lips to tell her to be quiet, then gestured her forward. Isa and Gus inched forward slowly, like they did when they went hunting mice. We snuck to the back of the room and peeked around the bookcase.

I gasped when I realized what we’d walked in on. Gregory had Brayden pinned against the wall, their lips connected in a passionate make-out session. Gregory’s hand was down Brayden’s pants, and Brayden moaned in pleasure. Talia took a step back, and a thud sounded as she knocked a book off the shelf.
