Page 106 of Teddy

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I snort, a smile curling my lips. “No. He rather likes it. He’s even come to the studio with me.”

“Well, honestly, that’s great,” Scott says. “You two seem well suited.”

“Yeah,” I say. We’re perfectly suited.

If only our marriage was real…

“Thanks again,” Phillip says, his words catching my attention. “I really appreciate it.”

“You bet, sweets,” Alex replies through the phone. “Call or text anytime. I’m happy to help.”

The teen mumbles out another thank you before handing my phone back. “Wow,” he says.

Yep. Alex tends to have that effect on people.

“All set?” Scott asks.

Phillip nods. “Yeah. Thanks again.”

“Anytime,” Scott answers, standing. “You know where to find me if you need anything.”

I say my goodbyes to Phillip, and Scott and I head from the library. As we reach the front of the building, Scott stops with me.

“Think about what I said, okay? We’d be lucky to have you here, Teddy.”

“I’ll consider it,” I tell him, meaning it.

He gives me a nod, and we part ways. I’m just sitting down in my car when my phone rings. I assume it’s Alex, calling back for details about how I know Phillip. But it’s not. It’s my grandma.

“Allô?” I answer, a frown on my face. She doesn’t usually call this early in the day.

“Mon chéri,” she says simply. “Your Papa had an accident.”

“Maman, what happened?” I ask, pulse starting to race.

She makes a soft sound. “Nothing major. He slipped on the path outside the garden. Hurt his hip. It’s just a deep bruise, not a break, but he’ll be on bed rest for a few days. I wanted to let you know.”

“Should I come?” I ask, already making plans in my head.

“No, mon chéri. We’ll be fine.”

I shake my head, the roll in my gut telling me I’m not fine. “I’m coming.”

“Théodore,” she says gently.

“Please, Maman.”

It’s been over half a year since I’ve seen them, and if there’s one thing I know for certain, it’s that life can be short. My grandparents aren’t young anymore, and maybe a bruised hip isn’t the end of the world, but I’d never forgive myself if I didn’t take the chance to visit when I could only for something worse to happen down the road. My grandparents are the only family I have left. I don’t want regrets when it comes to them.

“Okay, mon chéri,” my grandma says at last. “I’ll make up the spare bedroom for you.”

“You don’t have to do that,” I tell her, even though I know she will regardless.

“We’ll see you soon,” she says. “Bisous.”


We end the call, and I sit in my vehicle, eyes closed as I simply breathe. It’s okay. Just a bruised hip. But I’m still going.

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