Page 105 of Teddy

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“Both?” the teen answers with a small laugh, flipping around the paper so we can see the beginning stages of his sketch. It’s the outline of a human, the proportions on point. “It’s for a class, but I like to draw, so…” He shrugs.

“Are you an art major?” I ask.

He nods.

“I can tell,” I say. “That’s really incredible.”

“Thanks,” he says quietly, setting the pad back on his lap. “It’s been…tough? I mean, classes and working. It’s hard to find time for both.”

I hum. “You know, I have a friend who got his art degree while working a full-time job. I bet he’d be happy to talk to you about what worked for him.”

“Really?” he asks. “I don’t want to be a bother.”

“You wouldn’t be, promise. Alex would be happy to help. Let me give him a call. If you have a minute?”

Phillip nods, and I pull out my phone. Scott shoots me a smile as I get up and step around our seats. Alex answers swiftly.

“If it isn’t my favorite Teddy Bear,” he says before clicking his tongue. “Actually, my third favorite Teddy Bear. Sorry, Teddy. My men come first.”

I huff a laugh. “Third place is fine. I have a favor to ask.”

“Ooh,” Alex says. “Intrigue. What can I do for you?”

“I have an eighteen-year-old with me who’s working on his art degree. He’s trying to find balance between classes and his job.”

“Who is this teenager, Teddy? Do you have a love child I’m unaware of?”

“Not mine,” I say, shaking my head. “It’s a long story. Would you have time to talk to him?”

“Of course, Teddy boo. Call me back via video so I can chat with him properly.”

“You’re wearing clothes?” I double check.

He scoffs. “I will be once the video connects.”

With a chuckle, I end our call and reconnect via video chat. Once Alex is onscreen, I walk back over to Phillip and Scott and hand my phone to the teen.

“This is my friend, Alex. Alex, this is Phillip,” I say, giving introductions.

“Hi, boo!” Alex says excitedly.

Phillip stares, mouth slack and cheeks rapidly flushing. “Uh, hi.”

Looks like Phillip might have a thing for pretty twinks. I give him some privacy and retake my seat.

Scott nudges my shoulder as Phillip tells Alex about his coursework. “You’re good at this,” Scott says.

“What’s that?”

He shrugs a little. “Being compassionate. Helping without being asked. If you ever need a job, let me know. You’d have one here.”

“Doing what?” I ask curiously.

“Any number of things. Organizing events, fundraising, helping the kids. There’s always work to do.”

I hum.

Scott checks to make sure Phillip is still engaged with Alex before asking, “Kipp doesn’t mind your job?”
