Page 43 of Talk Swoony to Me

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My gut twists as I glance at Drew. “Oh, really?” I ask, hiding it.

“Well, I did, anyway...” Seth shakes his head at Drew. “My friend here spent the night with his old pal, Couch.”

Drew smirks. “You realize you just bragged about getting laid... to your sister.”

“What? She cares.”

“I highly doubt she does.”

“Heidi, you care, right?”

I wrinkle my nose. “I really don’t.”

Drew cants his head. “See?”

“Wow.” Seth feigns offense. “Ganging up on me at Manny’s. I see how it is.” He shifts on his seat and smiles, effortlessly moving on. “How about you, little sister? You have a good time last night?”

I fight every impulse to look at Drew. “Uh-huh,” I answer.

“You make it home okay? You kinda disappeared after beer pong.” Seth squints. “Or did I just pass out?”

“I made it home. I left shortly after the game because I...” I lose the fight and my eyes shift toward Drew on their own. He discreetly taps the table twice. “Had to work in the morning!” I blurt. “I tried to find you to let you know, but...”

“Must have been when Bethany walked in,” Drew says.

Seth glances up at nothing and sighs with stars in his eyes. “Bethany...”

“Ah. That must have been it.” I nod at Drew, thankful for the assist. “So, I need to check on another table, but I’ll put your order in and be right back with your coffee.”

“Thanks, little sister!” Seth says.

Drew nods, his eyes soft and warm. “Yeah. Thanks, Heidi.”

I smile as I turn away.

One awkward post-kiss interaction with Drew down...

An infinite amount to go.

* * *

“Cutie number two is staring at you.”

I raise my head, amused by Brandy’s sing-song voice as she glides in my direction. “What?” I ask as I wipe down the counter.

She stops with a smile. “Cutie number two,” she repeats, “is staring,” and pauses for effect, “at you.”

“Which one is number two?”

“White t-shirt.”


I smile. “Really?”

“Mm-hmm. That boy has not taken his eyes off you for twenty minutes.”

I set my rag down on the counter slowly as I shift on my toes. Being swift and discreet, I whip my head around to look, instantly making eye contact with Drew across the diner.
