Page 102 of Talk Swoony to Me

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The door swings open. Jenna steps inside as we shuffle into place. Her brow arches as one edge of her mouth curls.

Clearly, we weren’t fast enough.

“And just what are you two kids up to?” she asks, knowing full damn well what we’re up to.

“Watching a movie,” I squeak.

She rolls her eyes. “Yeah. I, too, find the Netflix menu absolutely riveting.”

I look at the TV, blinking twice. When did the movie end?

Jenna kicks the door closed. “I’m going to bed,” she says.

“Wait. What happened with Bobby?” I ask.

She pauses near the hallway. “Well, turns out he had frat boy on the menu tonight,” she says.

I bristle, disappointed for my friend. “Oh, that sucks. I’m so sorry.”

“I’m not. They let me watch.” She winks at us, smiling proudly. “Good night, folks.”

Drew raises a curious brow. “Good night, Jenna,” he says.

I shake my head as she saunters down the hall to her room. Classic Jenna.

“She’s such an... interesting gal,” Drew says.

“She’s never boring, that’s for sure.” I grab the TV remote and flick it off. “I guess we should call it a night, too.”

“Yeah.” He nods. “Yeah, you’re probably right.”

Drew yanks me off the couch with him. Before I can even say a word, he hoists me up over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.

“Drew! No!” I say, laughing hard.

He carries me down the hall to my bedroom without a word and nudges the door closed behind us. My center of gravity shifts wildly as he marches toward my bed. He drops me onto it. I land on my stomach, still laughing as I bounce softly on the mattress.

Before I can flip around, Drew lowers onto the bed behind me. He plants one hand on both sides of me, preventing me from turning over as he bends down and kisses my lower back over my shirt.

I bite my lip as shivers dance up my spine. He kisses me again, traveling upward into the crevice between my shoulder blades. I feel his body hovering inches over mine as he pushes my hair to the side and kisses my neck from behind. I curl back, turning my face to meet his lips in a heated kiss that picks up right where we left off before.

Okay. Maybe we shouldn’t call it a night just yet.

His front presses against my back. I feel his erection dig into me. I purposefully push my rear backward, rubbing him, tempting him, and a groan teases the back of his throat.

He abandons my lips and nibbles on my neck again. I bow my head, trembling as he slides downward. He reaches the small of my back and raises my shirt to kiss the hidden skin beneath. I chuckle, his tongue tickling my spinal column, but that only encourages him to push my shirt up even farther.

One inch. Two inches. Another. The more he licks, the more I quiver with greed. I raise my arms and he takes the hint, pushing my shirt up over my head. I quickly toss it aside and settle into place as his lips return to fire delicious sparks throughout my body.

Drew kisses downward again. I instinctively push my rear against him and he draws my skirt up, reaching around my raised hips to slide his hand into my panties again.

His fingers cradle my clit. He grinds with smooth, gentle circles, instantly reawakening the interrupted pleasure from before. I grab the pillow beneath my head, ready to smother the moans building on my tongue.

“Heidi,” Drew says, his whisper full of heat in my ear, “can I taste you?”

My clit throbs against the pads of his fingers, but those words send more intense shocks through my body.

I turn my head, bringing our mouths closer together, but they don’t dare touch. “You mean...” I pause as another spark fires through my core. “Use your mouth on me?”

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