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“To push her. We’ve waited over a year and a half.”

Cannon groaned, feeling every single day of that time. He planted his hands on his hips and studied the floor, taking a deep breath as he thought.

“In the scheme of things, that’s really not that long, but yeah, you’re probably right. How should we—”

A knock at the door interrupted him. Not even considering that he only wore underwear, he strode over and swung open the door. Devon stood there in her pink flannel jammies, nibbling her thumbnail. Her hand dropped as soon as the door opened. Her cheeks turned pink, and her lips parted while she stared at him.

“Baby girl, are you okay?” Hawk asked from behind him.

She licked her lips then slowly shook her head. “No… Um, I know this is a big ask. And I know you guys said everything was all clear. But… I… I can’t calm down. Can I… Can I sleep in here? Between you two?”


So warm… So nice…

Devon couldn’t remember the last time she’d slept as well as she had last night. After some quick clarifying on her part that she really meant sleep and only sleep, both guys had nodded, disguising the disappointment in their eyes. At seeing it, she’d almost gone back to her bed out of guilt, but that wouldn’t move them forward. She was ready for this step, but she wasn’t sure about jumping into sex, though. They’d never even kissed.

Cannon had taken the decision out of her hands, grasping her fingers and pulling her over. He’d yanked back the covers. “Into the middle with you, then.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?”

“Never more sure,” Hawk had answered. Tugging back the blankets on the other side, he sat then patted the center of the massive bed. “This spot has been waiting for you.”

She’d gnawed on the corner of her lip. It was slight pressure from Cannon’s hand at the middle of her back that got her moving. What was there to worry over anyway? She trusted these guys. And if something happened, well…to her mind, maybe that would just be fate pushing her in the direction she was too chickenshit to go.

They’d each taken a third of the bed, lying stiff and cautious and wide awake in the dark. That would never do. She’d sighed, then pushing up on her arms. She’d leaned over and kissed Hawk on the cheek turned then done the same to Cannon.

“Good night,” she’d murmured. “Thank you for always being here for me.”

“Anything.” Reaching up, Cannon pulled her back down and kissed her forehead.

Hawk tugged her over and repeated the action. “Anything for you.”

She’d nodded, choking up a bit. God, they were so sweet to her, though tension zipped around the three of them like electrified air from an oncoming thunderstorm. Turning onto her stomach, she’d cuddled into her pillow, wishing it was one of them, and made a small show of getting comfortable and closing her eyes. She and Hawk needed sleep. But Cannon… He, especially, needed it.

Her move had worked. Even with her eyes closed, she felt both men relax and breathe easier. Hawk kissed her temple again while Cannon pressed his lips to the top of her head. She’d felt an arm curl over the top of her pillow, and when she’d peeked up, Cannon was stretched to touch Hawk’s shoulder, and Hawk’s fist was wrapped around Cannon’s wrist.

Then they’d each placed a splayed hand on her back, and that had been that.

Until now.

She was curled into a wide chest, her fingers curled on a hard pec while an equally hard body pressed to her back, sandwiching her between them in a warm cocoon. Both men had their arms draped across her torso, and she loved it.

“I could stay here forever,” she whispered.

“Then you should,” Cannon rumbled into her neck, letting her know he was awake behind her. His arm flexed, and Hawk’s did the same. She trembled when Cannon pressed his mouth to the sensitive nape of her neck, the soft brush of his lips sending a cascade of reaction over her skin.

“We have to take care of the horses,” Hawk said while he yawned into his pillow.

“Killjoy,” his partner complained.

“I’m not saying we don’t come right back here,” Hawk added.

Dev cuddled closer to Hawk, pulling Cannon’s arm to make sure he followed. She couldn’t miss the morning wood poking her from both sides. It made her uncomfortably hot in all the best ways. A heavy thrumming started at her core, but she ignored it, pressing her thighs together. But that made it worse. It took everything in her not to rub against the men and start something they didn’t have time to finish.

“Let’s just stay here a minute longer,” she sighed, not wanting the moment to end. “I need to talk to you guys, anyway, and it will be easier while we’re dog-piled like this.”
