Page 23 of Living For You

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“And you can give her some choice words right back. I saw the way you stuck up for Bella at the playground when that little boy was being an ass. You have no trouble putting someone in their place, no matter who it is.”

As I had hoped, my words caused Tori to finally crack a smile. “You’re right. Telling her exactly what I think and where she can shove it will be a pretty great feeling.”

“There’s my Tori.” I playfully shoved her shoulder. “Glad to have you back.”

Tori smiled at me as she wiped the remaining tears from her eyes. “Sorry. It’s just been a really lonely day. Plus, it was exhausting trying to hold myself together around Bella for hours.”

“Hours? When did you two get back here?”

Tori’s cheeks turned the slightest bit red as she flashed me a guilty smile. “Around two?”

“Tor. You should have told me. You could have come over to the Stones’ house.”

Tori shook her head. “I wasn’t feeling up to being around a bunch of people.”

“Well, you still should have told me. Emery and I would have come right home.”

“That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you. I knew you would. One of us deserved to have a good day.”

My lips instinctively turned down into a pout. “But I hate the thought of you being here alone and sad for hours.”

“I survived.”

“Well, I’m here now. What can I do for you?”

“Nothing.” Tori let out an exaggerated yawn. “I think I’m just going to try to get some sleep. Thank you though. You helped a lot just by coming in here.”

“Sounds good.” I had to admit that I was a little disappointed that Tori didn’t suggest I stay with her, but I reluctantly stood from the bed and headed toward the door.

When I was about to turn the doorknob, Tori’s voice stopped me. “Rosemary, wait.”

I squeezed my eyes shut. Ask me to stay.

“I’m actually not as tired as I thought. Maybe we could watch a movie together or something?”

I looked from Tori to her TV and back. “In here or down in the family room?”

Tori shrugged. “I’m already in here. Why don’t you go get changed, then come join me?”

“Sounds good.” I hoped Tori didn’t notice how I practically skipped out of the room because of her invitation.

A few minutes later, I was changed and back under her covers. Tori put her arm out and motioned for me to snuggle with her. Finally. We picked a movie neither of us had seen, but that didn’t help me to keep my eyes open. The warmth of Tori’s arms and the safe feeling it gave me to be wrapped in them again, caused me to drift right to sleep.

“Rosemary? Hey, Rosemary.” Tori poked me in the side and I opened my eyes to find a completely dark room, with nothing playing on the TV anymore. “You fell asleep. The movie’s over.”

“Oh, okay.” It took me a few seconds to realize that was her polite way of trying to get rid of me. “Oh. I’m sorry.” I stumbled as I tried to get out of the bed that I clearly wasn’t wanted in anymore. “Goodnight, Tori.”

“Goodnight, Rosemary. Thanks for everything tonight.”

“Yeah, um, you too.” Thanks for the massive amount of confusion you’ve now caused me.

Chapter 8

December 18, 2022

“No, Mom, I told you. We will not be coming over for Christmas or Bella’s birthday. Or anything else for that matter.”

I stopped dead in my tracks when I heard Tori on the phone with her mom. I didn’t want to walk into the kitchen and interrupt, but I also wasn’t able to get my feet to walk away.
