Page 22 of Living For You

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A few years ago, I would have hated the thought of being close to my parents. Now I would be counting down the days until they got here. Of course, it helped that having them here meant more readily available babysitters for Emery and Bella. Bella. Thinking of her of course made my brain pinball right to Tori, who I still had yet to hear back from.

I hoisted Emery up higher on my waist, trying to redistribute her weight, since she was getting way too big to be held like this constantly. “We better go. It’s past Emery’s bedtime.”

“I’m not even tired,” Emery whined, but the big yawn that followed her words told me that was a lie. “Is Bella home yet? I want to hang out with her before I go to sleep.”

“I’m not sure if they’re home yet, but if they are, I’d say Bella is probably already sleeping.”

“Then I’ll wake her up.” Emery flashed me a sly grin that was really hard not to laugh at.

I was somehow able to keep a straight face when I told her she absolutely would not be doing that. We said our goodbyes to my in-laws, then walked outside with my parents and exchanged hugs before getting into our separate cars. I had thought about walking earlier, but now that it was dark and cold, I was happy I had decided to drive instead.

Even though the drive took less than a minute, by the time we pulled into the driveway, Emery was already passed out. I carefully took her out of her carseat then slowly walked inside to try to keep her from waking up. I cringed when I felt her start to wiggle around in my arms, but then she snuggled into me even more and yawned.

“I’m tired, Mama.”

“I know, sweetie.” I kissed her forehead, then opened the front door.

The hallway light was on, but all other lights in the house were turned off and the doors to both Bella and Emery’s room and Tori’s room were shut.

“We have to be very quiet when we go into your room,” I whispered to Emery. “I think Bella is sleeping in there.”

Emery brought her finger to her lips and let out a quiet, “Sh.”

When I opened the door to the room, I was surprised to see a small light shining from the top bunk. I could hear a little body fumbling around, then Bella held her tablet up to her face and gave me a guilty smile. “Don’t tell my mommy, okay?”

I made a zipping motion in front of my lips, and Bella went back to watching whatever show she had on. I quickly got Emery changed and tucked her into bed. I shook my head when I walked out of the room and immediately heard the girls start to talk and giggle.

I thought about going right across the hall to my room, but Tori’s closed door seemed to be calling for me. I knocked softly on the door and listened for any sign that Tori was awake on the other side. I was about to walk away when I heard what sounded like crying.

“Tori?” I didn’t even wait for her to answer before opening the door.

Tori’s back was to the door, but even in the dark room, I could tell by the way she was shaking that she was definitely crying. I ran over to the bed and didn’t think twice before jumping in and wrapping my arms around Tori. “It’s okay. I’m here. It’s okay.”

“Rosemary?” Tori asked as if there was any possibility of it being anyone else.

“It’s me. What’s wrong?”

Tori turned around and wiped at her eyes as she tried to focus on me. “My mom,” she said softly.

I let out a long sigh. Of course. That bitch. “What did she say to you?”

“Oh, she said a whole lot of really rude shit to me, but that’s not what I’m upset over. I’m used to that by now.”

“Then what happened?” I asked as I ran a hand up and down her arm.

“Bella was playing some stupid game with Rick’s devil grandchildren, and they started making comments about how much smarter they were than Bella. Which, no shit, Sherlock, you’re both over three years older than her. That’s a lifetime in kid years. But whatever. Little shits will be little shits. But then my mom started joining in with them. My mom. Bella’s grandma. As soon as I saw that little lip start to quiver, I snatched her up and took her right out of the house. She cried for at least an hour after we got home. It broke my fucking heart, Rosemary.”

“Wow.” I wasn’t sure what else to say, because even coming from Tori’s mom, that story was shocking. I couldn’t believe anyone would ever do anything to hurt that sweet little girl. “I don’t know what to say. That’s terrible. But, hey, if it makes you feel any better, Bella is currently sneaking videos in bed and giggling about who knows what with Emery.”

“Thanks. That definitely helps.” Her sad eyes and drooping lips didn’t tell the same story though.

“Then why do you look so sad?”

“I always told myself I could deal with everything my mom put me through as long as she made Bella happy. I promised if she ever treated Bella the way she treats me, that would be it. She’s cut off. So, that’s what I need to do. And I know that shouldn’t make me sad, but for some reason, it really does.”

“Aw, Tor. Take it from someone who thought she was losing her parents for good multiple times. I know how much it sucks. I don’t think you’re crazy.”

“I’m sure when, or if, she calls me, she’s going to have some choice words for me.”

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