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Her pussy clenched around me like a vice grip, milking out every ounce of my restraint as she clawed at my chest, leaving bloody trails in her wake. "Yes! Goddamn it, Celeste—tell me you understand!"

"I...understand," she panted out.

Sinking my cock into her depths, I relished the way she whimpered in pain. The tightness of her cunt wrapped around me like a velvet vice, milking me with a vengeance. This was the Celeste I craved, the one who could look into the shadows and not flinch.

"Move," I commanded, my hands seizing her hips with a ferocity that left no room for doubt. "Fuck," I cursed under my breath, caught between the primal urge to ravage and the relentless drive to shield. My grip tightened, possessiveness flaring like a blaze through dry timber. She belonged to me, and I'd be damned before I let anything harm her—even if that meant battling the monster I harbored inside.

"Harder," I pressed, my voice a lethal whisper that promised both pleasure and pain. With each thrust, I felt the precarious balance between man and beast tilt, the scales tipping ever so slightly toward the hunger that gnawed at my core.

Yet, even as I teetered on the brink of surrendering to the ravenous creature within, I couldn't shake the fierce need to protect her. This woman under my command, writhing with an intoxicating mix of strength and delicacy, had managed to pierce the armor I wore like a second skin.

But deep down, in the darkest recesses of my twisted heart, I knew there was no turning back from the abyss that beckoned to us both.

My focus narrowed as I zeroed in on her pleasure, the flicker of pain giving way to waves of ecstasy crashing over her. With each shuddering climax she reached, my control over her body asserted itself—a dark testament to my dominance. "That's it," I growled, my voice a ragged edge of satisfaction. "Come for me again."

And she did, shattering like stained glass shards beneath my merciless hands. I felt a perverse sense of pride as her body trembled around me—an intoxicating blend of desire and release that only served to heighten my own lust. Celeste's head thrashed wildly, long dark coils whipping against her flushed cheeks, and I knew that she was lost to the sensations I coaxed from her body.

But I wasn't done with her yet.

With one last, hard thrust, I buried myself so deep within her that our breaths mingled in that dark space between agony and ecstasy. And in that moment, I felt a twisted connection form between us—a silver cord binding us together even as it threatened to strangle the last vestiges of humanity left in me.

I leaned forward, my grip on her hips unyielding as I whispered into her ear. "Feel it," I commanded. "Feel what it's like to give me everything."

The words hung heavy in the air, an ultimatum laced with seduction. "Your safeword," I reminded her once more, knowing she wouldn't use it. Not when we both knew how far we'd come—how far she'd let me take her. Celeste could no more walk away now than she could tear out the beating heart from her chest—and we both knew it.

With a muffled moan, she shook her, silently consenting to travel further down this depraved rabbit hole I'd pushed her into. A primal growl of approval rumbled from my chest. I relished having her surrender so fully to me. To my darkness. Celeste thought she wanted to plunge into these shadowy depths, but she had no idea just how far down I would take her. How thoroughly I would possess her, body and soul.

I withdrew from her pussy and flipped her onto her back. Her eyes were glazed, pupils blown wide with lust and something more. Something dangerous and addictive beginning to take hold.

"You're going to start feeling really good soon," I told her, brushing a damp tendril of hair from her face. She blinked up at me, dazed. "That’s the thing about experiencing so much pain and pleasure at once. The endorphins are flooding your system, giving you a natural high. You'll crave more of what I can make you feel."

I traced a finger over the angry red welts striping her breasts, her belly, the insides of her thighs. Each mark of possession made her shiver.

"Please," she whispered, though what she begged for, she likely didn't know.

My smile held little warmth. "I decide when you get what you need, Little Shadow."

I grasped her chin, holding her gaze to mine, watching as comprehension dawned. She would beg and bleed for me. Would violate every rule she'd ever made for herself if only I commanded it. Because she was mine now. Irrevocably.

The revelation shattered something in those warm brown eyes. But I didn't care. I'd put her back together in my image soon enough.

For now, I simply claimed her mouth once more, swallowing her cries as I took everything she had left to give.

"Listen to me." My words were iron, unyielding as the grip I still maintained on her chin, forcing her eyes to meet mine. "You do not go into that fucking room again. Do you understand me?" The warning was fierce, a clear line drawn in the sand. There was shit in that room that would haunt her dreams—my own personal hell.

Celeste nodded, her warm eyes wide with the acknowledgment of my authority. "I won't," she whispered, and I could see the battle in her—the desire to rebel warring with the wisdom to heed my command.

"Good." I released her chin, the brush of my thumb across her cheek almost tender. "Because it's not just rules for the sake of them. It's for your safety, Celeste. There are things in this world, in my world, that you’re better off not knowing."

I sighed, the last remnants of anger dissipating as I regarded her vulnerable body. Despite her brazen curiosity, I knew she hadn't intended to defy me. She was like a moth drawn to the flame, unable to resist the lure of the forbidden.

"Come here," I murmured, drawing her into my arms. She curled against me, her frame slight and trembling. My fingers combed through her damp hair, touch impossibly gentle compared to moments before. "You're not hurt, are you?" Guilt flickered through me at the reddened marks marring her skin, evidence of the cruelty I was capable of. She shook her head mutely, face pressed into my chest.

"Let's get you cleaned up," I murmured, leading her to the bathroom. I wet a washcloth with warm water and tenderly wiped her face, removing the streaks of tears.

I lifted Celeste's chin, gazing into her eyes. "Be still, Little Shadow," I whispered. She shivered as I traced the slope of her shoulders, the dip of her waist, the flare of her hips, relearning every nuance of her exquisite form.

Turning on the shower, I adjusted the temperature until steam billowed, beckoning us both under the cascade. Celeste gasped as the water sluiced over her skin, washing away the lingering evidence of my cruelty. I lathered a loofah with her favorite jasmine soap, sweeping it across the constellation of freckles on her back, along the creamy expanse of her thighs. My touches were reverent, worshipping.

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