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"Are we clear, Celeste?" I demanded, my tone leaving no room for argument. "Or do I need to remind you again?"

Her breathing was ragged, her body trembling with the storm of emotions I'd unleashed. But there was something else there, behind the fear and confusion—a spark of rebellion that told me this dance was far from over.

"Crystal," she spat through gritted teeth, and I knew then that this wouldn't be the last lesson I'd have to teach her. Not by a long shot.

"Strip," I snarled, the command as dark and heavy as the shadows clinging to the corners of the room. "Now."

Celeste's defiance sparked in her eyes, but she didn't move. My patience was a wire stretched too thin, ready to snap.

"Did you not hear me, or do we need to get your ears checked, Little Shadow?" My voice was a low growl, the beast within barely leashed. This wasn't just about discipline, it was a dance on the razor's edge of my control.

Slowly, she let the towel fall away, her naked skin dark and flawless in the dim light. Vulnerability washed over her like a tangible scent, stirring the predator inside me. Goddammit, she was playing with fire, and whether she knew it or not, I was the fucking inferno.

"Good girl," I murmured, my words laced with a poison called lust. "Now, get down."

I nudged my boot forward, the polished leather gleaming like sin. Celeste knelt before me, her gaze locked onto mine, a silent challenge that had my blood pumping with a mix of anger and desire. I grabbed her chin, forcing her attention on the task at hand. "Now use my boot to edge that needy little cunt of yours. Show me how much you want my forgiveness."

Her hands clutched at my boot, her movements hesitant at first, then growing bolder. I watched, a twisted sense of satisfaction curling in my gut as she rubbed her dripping pussy against the hard surface. She was a masterpiece of desperation and defiance, caught up in the dark symphony I conducted.

"Fuck, yes," I hissed, guiding her with a firm grip. The artist who used paint to unravel her soul now used her body to beg for mercy. Mercy I wasn't sure I possessed.

"Like that," I commanded, taking pleasure in the blush that spread across her cheeks, in the way she gave in to the depravity of the act. It was power and surrender all woven into one, a cat and mouse game where I was both hunter and protector.

"Remember this, Celeste," I told her, my voice a menacing whisper against the backdrop of our breaths. "Remember who owns every fucking part of you."

The bitter taste of betrayal and the sweet scent of revenge hung in the air, an intoxicating mix that I couldn't get enough of. And as she moved against me, I realized Italy had no idea of the darkness it harbored within its heart. Neither did Celeste. But she would learn. Oh, she would fucking learn.

My fingers trailed from the leather of my boot, glistening with her juices, upwards to the delicate column of Celeste's throat. With a dark hunger festering inside me, I pressed them against her lips, demanding entrance with an unspoken command. Her eyes, wide and lustrous, never left mine as she parted her lips, accepting my intrusion.

"Good girl," I growled, pushing my digits deeper, feeling the warmth of her mouth enveloping them. "Suck." The simplicity of the word was a stark contrast to the complexity of emotions it evoked — dominance, control, a relentless assertion of will.

She complied, wrapping her lips around my fingers, her tongue tentative at first, then more daring as she sought to please, to appease. It wasn't just about the physical act; it was about breaking her down, making her understand her place in this twisted game we played. And fuck, how she responded, her eyes smoldering with a blend of fear and desire that only served to fuel my own dark cravings.

"Remember who you belong to," I commanded, punctuating each syllable with a thrust of my hand, ensuring she felt the weight of my power. "Remember who can tear you apart or piece you back together."

Celeste looked up at me through her lashes, lips wrapped around my fingers as she sucked them deeper into her mouth. I couldn't tear my eyes away from the sight, from the heat and wetness of her tongue grazing my skin. It made the predator in me roar with satisfaction, knowing I had reduced this defiant little human to a soaking mess kneeling before me.

I pulled my fingers from her mouth with an audible pop, trails of saliva clinging between us. "Now get on all fours," I ordered, my voice rough with barely leashed desire. She hesitated for only a moment before slowly turning around, her palms and knees pressing into the plush carpet beneath us. I drank in the sight greedily, my eyes trailing over the supple curves of her body, zeroing in on the glistening pink flesh between her thighs.

"Spread your legs. Wider." My commands were clipped, demanding obedience. She complied beautifully, arching her back to present herself to me like an offering. I reached between her legs, stroking her clit and finding her soaked, so ready for me. She shivered at my touch, a small gasp escaping her lips.

The sound of my hand whipping through the air was crisp, the impact against her bare ass even more so. The spank resonated in the room, a sharp report that seemed to linger in the space between us. Celeste's cries pierced the silence, a mingling of pain and pleasure that formed the most depraved of symphonies.

"Again," she gasped between strikes, each hit leaving its angry red mark on her flesh, branding her as mine. It was a dance of shadows and sins, each spank a step closer to oblivion, each whimper a note in our dark melody.

I reveled in the duality of her responses — the way her body arched for more, craving the sting, the heat, the fucking affirmation of her existence under my hand. And with every blow, I carved my will deeper into her being, imprinting upon her the irrevocable truth of our connection.

The taste of her fear mingled with the scent of her desire, a potent cocktail that threatened to unhinge the beast within me. I was starving, yet it wasn't her blood that called to me—it was something far more destructive.

"Get on," I growled, my voice laced with a darkness that could freeze hell over. Celeste hesitated for a fraction of a second before climbing atop me, her movements hesitant but deliberate. The rawness of her vulnerability clashed with the commanding presence of my body beneath hers, creating a tension that could cut through steel.

Her skin was a canvas of crimson handprints, each one a testament to the lessons she'd learned at my unforgiving hands. My gaze devoured her naked form, my control slipping like sand through fingers—she was fucking intoxicating.

And then she lowered herself—slow, agonizingly so—onto my shaft. She whimpered, her eyes glassy with unshed tears. I stilled her hips, capturing her gaze in mine. "Look at me, Celeste," I commanded, and she did. "This is what happens when you disobey. It hurts, doesn't it?"

She nodded, her hands trembling where they gripped my thighs. I felt the head of my cock teasing her entrance, the unspoken challenge taut between us.

"Do you understand now?" I asked, my voice low, calibrated to make her quake with desire and fear in equal measure. She didn't respond, and I knew the defiance still simmered within her. The knowledge only made me harder. With a growl, I roughly thrust into her, burying myself to the fucking hilt. Her scream echoed through the room, a symphony of pain and pleasure that had me on edge — pun intended — and I fucked her like it was my last night on earth.
