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"Here we go again," I sighed, the weight of the shackle almost comforting as it clicked shut, securing me once more to the confines of the bed. There was an odd reassurance in knowing my place—his control over me was terrifying, but it provided a boundary within which I found a perverse sense of peace.

Laughter bubbled from the TV screen as I shoveled another spoonful of cookie dough ice cream into my mouth. The rom-com's predictable plot was a comfortable blanket, wrapping around me in a world that had become chillingly unpredictable. Each bite was a delicious contradiction—how could something so sweet come from a situation so sour?

"Guess you've got my number, huh?" I muttered to the camera, acknowledging the array of snacks scattered across the bed like offerings. Chocolates, chips, and cheap laughs—my fucking holy trinity. Inside, the warm flicker of gratitude was a betrayal I wasn't ready to admit to.

The movie hit its stride, the lead couple sharing a kiss that should've had me rolling my eyes. Instead, I sighed, a deep, longing sound that echoed the emptiness of the room. It was a cruel joke, really—surrounded by comfort food and romances while shackled. My captor, the twisted bastard, knew just how to keep me teetering on the edge of sanity.

Mid-scoff, the ice cream forgotten for a moment, a sharp rap on the door jolted me. My heart jackhammered against my ribcage, each beat screaming a mix of panic and curiosity. The shackle clicked open, and the sound was deafening in its implication.

Freedom? Or another fucked-up game? With hesitant steps, I approached the door, my bare feet skidding against the floor. I reached for the handle. The hallway was empty, save for the small bag that sat innocently on the floor. Its presence was a mystery—a silent challenge laid out by the mastermind who held the strings to my life. I snatched it up, the weight surprising in its lightness, a stark contrast to the heaviness in my chest.

"More gifts from my personal psycho Santa," I quipped, even though the only audience I had was the ever-watchful eye of the camera.

Retreating back into my room, the shackle's absence felt more jarring than its cold embrace. The door closed behind me on its own with a decisive click, a reminder that freedom was nothing more than an illusion in this house of hedonistic horrors.

I dumped the contents of the bag onto the plush comforter, items cascading like dark petals in a twisted fairytale. A wig - blonde waves that would cascade down my back, a stark contrast to my natural brown locks. The black dress was the kind that clung to every curve, suggesting whispers of sin with its velvet touch. A fancy black hat tipped with a matching veil sat coyly among the pile, and beneath it all, a treasure trove of makeup - my favorite brands, no less - meticulously chosen as if he'd pilfered the list straight from my damned brain.

I scoffed at the camera, knowing he was watching, relishing in this sick game of dress-up. "What am I supposed to do with all this, huh? Pretend to be some gothic Cinderella waiting for her creepy-ass Prince Charming?"

The silence stretched out before his voice crackled through the hidden speakers, a velvet caress that made my skin prickle with an infuriating blend of fear and anticipation. "You've been such a good girl, Celeste," he praised, and I could practically hear the smirk in his tone. "Following my rules so beautifully. This is your reward."

"Reward?" I spat the word out like it tasted foul, even though a part of me fluttered at the acknowledgment. "For being what, your perfect captive princess? Screw you and your rewards."

But, hell, as my gaze traced over the sleek black silhouette of the dress, something within me stirred - a dark whisper of desire that I hated myself for feeling. It was like he knew exactly how to stoke the fires of my reluctant yearning, tapping into those masochistic cravings I'd only ever dared explore in the anonymity of my art.

"Go on, wear it," he coaxed, the devil on my shoulder pushing me towards an edge I wasn't sure I wanted to leap from. "Let me see how stunning you can be when you embrace this side of yourself."

"Embrace?" I snorted, my fingers betraying me as they trailed over the fabric. "More like suffocate under your goddamn control."

But there I was, caught in a web of my own making, tangled up in a perverse dance where each step drew me closer to the abyss. Chicago might be known for its wind, but in this gilded prison, it was his breath upon my neck that sent shivers skittering down my spine.

"Fine," I muttered, the traitorous part of me eager to slip into the disguise he'd provided. "But don't think for one second this means you've won."

I was lying to myself, of course. With every item that touched my skin, I felt him wrap around me tighter - a serpent disguised as a suitor, offering poisoned apples that I was too curious not to taste.

The hot water was a cascade washing over me like absolution from sins I hadn't yet committed. I scrubbed my skin, each stroke a silent rebellion against the invisible chains that tethered me to him—my captor, my tormentor—this twisted guardian angel of lust.

"Enjoying your shower, Celeste?" His voice slithered in through the hidden speakers, and I resisted the urge to cover myself, knowing full well he couldn't see me here. Or could he?

"Fuck off," I hissed, knowing he'd revel in my discomfort. But beneath the venom, an unwelcome heat curled inside me, betraying my disdain with its own sick curiosity.

I lingered longer than necessary under the steaming water, letting it wash away the grime of captivity. But no matter how much I scrubbed, I couldn't cleanse the part of me that ached—an ache he had awakened and now nurtured with every twisted act of kindness.

Stepping out, I stared at the mirror—steam fogging up around the edges, blurring my reflection the same way captivity blurred the lines between hostage and willing participant. With a swipe of my hand, I cleared the condensation, facing the woman who looked back at me with eyes clouded by conflict. My ebony skin glistened with droplets of water as I ran my fingers through the tight black curls that cascaded down my shoulders and back. Curls that he had probably run his hands through when he bathed me.

Time to play dress-up for the big bad wolf. I toweled off with rough, angry motions. The plush fabric felt like a mockery against my skin, too soft, too caring.

I picked up the wig first, platinum blonde and sleek. It slid onto my head like a shadow, transforming the familiar brown locks into a bright cascade of someone else’s fantasy. In the mirror, a stranger blinked back at me—a version of myself dipped in sin and shaped by his desires.

The dress was next, a slinky number that hugged my curves with a shameless possessiveness. It whispered along my skin, a silky promise of darkness. I twirled, half expecting to see him behind me, ready to pull me into a dance of damnation.

But fuck me, the hat was the final touch—the cherry on top of this messed-up sundae. Placing it atop my head, something shifted within me. It wasn't just a costume; it was armor. The kind that emboldened a woman to stare down the devil himself. Clad in his offerings, I felt power surge through me—a dark ember glowing brighter with each breath.

Stepping into the harsh glow of the camera's unblinking eye, I couldn't help but feel like a dolled-up clown. The black dress hugged my curves in all the right—or wrong—places, and the wig was a stark contrast to my natural locks, making me look like someone else entirely.

"Well?" I called out, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Is this what you had in mind when you decided to play dress-up with your personal fuck doll? Do I meet the fucked-up standards of your twisted fantasy?"

The silence that hung in the air was thick with expectation. Then, his voice came through the intercom, smooth as silk and twice as dangerous.
