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As she shifted slightly in her sleep, a lock of hair fell across her face, and I felt it—a surge of something primal and all-consuming. I wanted to brush it aside, to feel the silk of her skin beneath my fingertips, to hear the sound of her voice laced with the sweet venom of betrayal. But for now, I was relegated to the role of silent observer, watching over her as both guardian and captor.

I leaned forward, elbows on the mahogany desk, eyes narrowing as the shadow of a thought darkened my mood. Someone out there had dared to touch what was mine. They'd taken the life of Celeste's friend—a warning shot that nearly claimed Celeste herself. The rage within me coiled tight, venomous.

My hand drifted down, palming the growing boner between my thighs. The sight of her, so peaceful in her slumber, ignited a fire that no amount of civilization could quench. I let my hand roam, gripping hard—the pressure a mere echo of what pulsed through me. Each stroke was a silent vow of protection, of possession.

The power I wielded over her was intoxicating—a delicious mix of control and forbidden lust. She lay shackled, unaware of the storm raging within me, the one she had unwittingly unleashed.

With a shudder that shook my entire frame, I gave myself over to the abyss, surrendering to the twisted ecstasy of my orgasm. The release was sharp and blinding, an eruption of pent-up fury and longing that left me gasping, my cum staining the shadows of this solitary fortress.

In the aftermath, my chest heaved, every cell of my undead being focused on the woman who slept on, undisturbed. The lines between hunter and protector blurred, melding into a singular purpose. I would safeguard her against any threat, mortal or otherwise.

And as I wiped my hand clean, the certainty of our entwined destinies settled over me like a cloak. No matter the cost, I would carve out a world for us—one where betrayal and revenge were but distant memories, and where our unorthodox desires could roam free.

I leaned back in the plush leather chair, my gaze returning to the monitor as Celeste's chest rose and fell with each breath. The room where she lay captive, a gilded cage of my making, was tailored to her unknowing tastes—a collection of details pilfered from silent observation. I had been thorough, meticulous.

The books on the shelf near her bed were handpicked, titles I knew resonated with her introspective nature. I'd even hunted down that obscure jazz vinyl she played on repeat during those solitary nights in her studio. It was all there, every detail a breadcrumb leading back to me, hoping to spark recognition, to ignite some latent affection.

But Chicago's streets were stained with blood, and ours was a tale penned in the ink of danger and deceit. My hands clenched, nails biting into my palms as I envisioned that unknown menace, the one who dared threaten the narrative I had so carefully constructed.

Escape was imperative, not just for her safety but for the sanity that teetered on the brink of my restraint.

Italy beckoned—promising safety. My summer house there would be our haven, a fortress against the chaos chasing at our heels. I could see it, nestled among the vineyards and olive groves, bathed in golden sunlight that seemed alien to my nocturnal existence.

"La luce dopo l'oscurità," I muttered, the Italian phrase for 'light after darkness' rolling off my tongue. A fitting metaphor for what awaited us. The picturesque landscape would be a stark contrast to the urban shadows we'd leave behind.

"Peace, Celeste," I promised, picturing her there amidst fields of lavender, her laughter carried on the breeze. "A peace we'll steal if fate won't grant it."

Rising from my seat, the predator within stretched its wings, eager to take flight. There were threads to unravel, enemies to silence—all in the name of a future where the chains that bound us would be forged of something stronger than steel or fear.

Patience. I chided myself, checking the impulse to act immediately. Loose ends had a way of becoming nooses if left untended.

And so, with one last lingering glance at Celeste's sleeping form, I turned my attention to the tasks at hand. Italy—and the promise of a new beginning—lay just beyond the horizon. But first, I had a city's worth of demons to exorcise.

"Here we come, Italy. Ready or not."

Chapter 23


Ilounged there, shackled like some modern-day damsel with a wickedly plush prison for a bed. My captor, the ever-present phantom lurking beyond the lenses of the cameras, had pre-loaded some cheesy rom-com on the TV to keep me company. It was the kind that would usually make my eyes roll out of my skull, but here I was, chuckling at the punchlines and basking in fake laughter—it was better than stewing in silence.

"Fuck you for knowing I'd find comfort in this crap," I muttered to the seemingly sentient camera eye that kept watch over me. Look at me, an artist who painted her demons away now finding refuge in the predictability of a storyline where the most significant threat was a missed love confession or a quirky misunderstanding.

As the heroine on screen fumbled through her meet-cute, I couldn’t help but reflect on the sick script of my own life. There was nothing cute about being snatched away by a shadow who knew me more intimately than anyone should, even with consent. Yet, it was in this gilded cage that I felt the oddest concoction of terror and tranquility. A connection had wormed its way into existence, one that rooted itself in the darkest corners of my psyche. I bet he got off on that—the idea that his little bird not only chirped but sometimes sang despite the cage.

The laugh that followed was more bitter than the dark chocolate he occasionally left for me. I hated how part of me had come to anticipate those small tokens, like a pathetic Pavlovian response to his fucked-up attention.

"Fuck," I muttered under my breath, the pressure in my bladder becoming more than a mild inconvenience. With a reluctant huff, I tilted my head up to the ever-watchful lens of the camera mounted in the corner of the room. "Hey, you out there—you gonna let a girl pee or what?" My voice was laced with sarcasm, but the underlying plea was genuine.

I waited, watching the red light on the camera, half expecting it to remain indifferent to my needs. But then, with an audible click that echoed mockingly in the plush prison of a bedroom, the shackle around my ankle buzzed and popped open. Surprise flickered through me, quickly chased by a rush of relief. The bastard actually listened.

"Be right back," I called out, not sure why I bothered to announce my departure to my unseen jailer.

In the bathroom, marble and chrome gleamed under the soft lighting, and the towels were fluffier than cotton candy. It was like stepping into one of those high-end hotel brochures.

After taking care of necessities, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror. There was a wild look in my eyes that hadn’t been there before all this—a fire that had been ignited by circumstance and fanned by a twisted sort of intimacy. My hair fell around my shoulders in disheveled waves, each strand seeming to echo my internal chaos.

Exiting the bathroom, the door of the bedroom beckoned, but the thought of running felt like a joke without a punchline. Chicago was a maze, his playground, and I'd be lost in it, shackled or not. So, instead of sprinting towards a freedom I wouldn't know what to do with, I shuffled back to the bed and picked up the cold metal cuff.

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