Page 234 of The Queen’s Shadow

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“I was just remembering that time we were on that boat in Toronto.”

Jeremy gave me a sad smile. “Wow, that feels like a lifetime ago now.”

“Yeah.” I agreed, feeling like my heart was being consumed by grief. I swallowed. “Mom was there. I miss her.”

Jeremy wrapped his arm around me and pulled me into him, kissing the top of my head.

“Me too, kiddo.”

“Ash Nevra has already taken so much from me, Dad.” I whispered, staring out at sea. “I can’t let her take him too. I won’t.” I needed to keep saying it, because each day that passed had me feeling less and less optimistic. It felt like she was winning, and it was taking everything in me not to fall apart.

“We will get him back, Raven.” Jeremy assured me. I looked up at him, pursing my lips.

“When? I’ve been trying so hard, but he’s still gone.” I swallowed past the lump in my throat. I couldn’t cry about this anymore. I needed to be strong.

Jeremy turned around and leaned back on his elbows, crossing his legs out in front of him. He still had the Carbine he had stolen with Rycon. Since he had needed to use it against Kieran and The Siren, I hadn’t seen him take it off.

“Listen Kiddo, you’ve never exactly had it easy. People have been out to get you since you could walk.” He cut me the most ‘dad’ look I’ve ever seen. It was protective and angry, but also somehow soft and loving.

“The number of times I would get a call from your school, and my heart would break because they would tell me you were thrown in a locker, or someone dumped something on you at lunch, or tripped you in the hallway. Each time something like that happened, I wanted to kick the asses of the little shits that gave you such a hard time.”

I scowled. I remembered every single one of those times I had been bullied at school. It had been humiliating and horrible, and always unprovoked. I wasn’t sure why he was telling me this. The last thing I wanted to think about right now was how hated I had been by my peers growing up.

“But you know what? I never had to kick any ass. Want to know why? Because whoever was calling me, always followed up with ‘and now Raven’s in the office because we had to send XYZ to the nurses office… sometimes even the hospital.” He cut me another look and made an exaggerated coughing sound. “Neil Green.” He faked a cough again, before smirking at me.

“Hey, you don’t even want to know what that asshole said about Mom.” I grumbled. “He deserved what he got.”

“Mhmm. I’m sure there were a few steps you could have taken before you hit him with a chair, but I digress.” He chuckled. “Listen. I’m your dad. I’m never going to approve of you getting into fights or be happy about you… I don’t know, fatally maiming and murdering people.”

I tried to look ashamed but didn’t have it in me. I remembered how good it had felt to tear apart those fucking rapists in The Court of Greed. I would do it again if I had to. I hadn’t lost one wink of sleep over those kills, if anything, I dreamed of it, and replaced their faces with Ash Nevra’s.

“If this is supposed to be a pep talk dad, it’s kind of a bust.” I grumbled, and he chuckled.

“Wait for it… I’m just getting to the peppy part.” He assured me and I rolled my eyes, the corner of my mouth twitching up.

“I don’t approve because I want more for you than a life of violence, Raven. That doesn’t mean I don’t think it’s necessary for you to defend yourself, or fight for those you love.” He turned to look at me, his steel grey eyes softening. “I’ve seen you fight against bullies your whole damn life. Over these last couple of months I’ve watched you conquer a volcano, invade a city, and take down the equivalent of a sex trafficking ring. I don’t know who this Amon guy is that’s got you all tied up in knots, but I do know he’s the luckiest guy on the planet to have you in his corner. If anyone can save him, it’s you, Raven. You can do anything you set your mind to. I know you can, because I’ve seen it.”

I felt my eyes well with tears as his words settled over me. I threw myself into his arms, and he chuckled softly, holding me tight against him. For a minute, I felt like I was a little kid again, and everything was going to be okay, because my dad told me it would be.

“The last part was definitely more peppy.” I sniffed, and he laughed softly, rocking me gently.

“Told ya. I always come through in the second half.”

“Rayven! Check it out!” I pulled away from Jeremy, wiping a tear away to see Conrad literally surfing next to the ship, Balthion was laughing behind him. Neither of them had surfboards, Conrad was using his magick to wrap seawater around their waists and propel them forward, racing the ship.

“Toss me, Obeah Man!” Balthion bellowed and Conrad grinned. With a flick of his wrist, he sent Balthion flying through the air. He tucked his knees in, whooping as he cannonballed into the water ahead of the ship, only to be scooped up again by Conrad’s water magick.

“Yuh wanna try, gyaal?” Conrad asked, turning to me with the biggest smile I had ever seen plastered across his face.

I hesitated. I didn’t feel like it was right to have fun while my mate was suffering unbearable torture somewhere.

“Go on, Kiddo. There’s nothing more you can do than what we’re already doing. Life’s too short. Go play with your friends.” Jeremy urged me. “I’m sure Amon would want you to enjoy yourself.”

He was right about that. I sighed, and nodded at Conrad.

“Fine. I’ll do one cannonball.” I agreed, hopping up on the railing of the ship.

Conrad gave me a mischievous smirk. “Wi see about dat.” He challenged, before sweeping me into the sea with a well placed stream of water.

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