Page 35 of Love Unexpected

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She smiled, "Yes. Sorry for the grilling. They probably did that while I was in there," she eyed Tanya and Nalee affectionately.

"No problem. They're your friends andthey're great"

We said bye to her friends and left.


Zander's heated looks burned through me. He was so intense. His gaze set me afire. He looked like he wanted to rip my clothes off and devour me.

I suggested the beach so we went to a local beach. His hands were entwined in mine as we walked tothe shops along the beach.

He was really a gorgeous guy. Women of all ages eyed him. He was not cocky about it. His attention was all on me.

We were inside a small boutique store that sold touristy items. I was looking at an interesting shot glass. He came up behind me and wrappedhis hands around my waist.

Heat crept up to my face.

"You like that?" His eyes were on the shot glass that I was holding. His minty, fresh breath assailedmy senses.

"It's interesting," I traced the engraved ‘San Francisco’ words on the glass. I liked shot glasses. They were miniature masterpieces in tiny glasses. I had a display case of shot glasses at my dad’s house. I’ve collected 57 pieces throughout the years. This wouldbe number 58.

"It's nice." He was taller than me. The top of my head reached his chin.

"You want to get it?"

"I don’t know yet,” I took another shot glass out of the rack, “Look, there’s another one here.”

"You smell so good.”

I swallowed.

"What do you think?"

He leaned closer and eyed the shot glasses.

"I think the other one is more intricate. This one has vivid colors." He was an Architecture Design major. Of course, hehad an eye for these things.

“They're both really nice."

"Let's get both of them," his breath was hot on my ears.

He stepped aside but placed his hands back on my waist. We headed towards the counter. I was pulling out my wallet from my purse. He stopped me and said, "I got this."

My dad taught me to never argue if a guy offered to pay. He also taught meto say thank you graciously.

I said, "Thank you, they're really cool."

He handed me the plastic bag with the shot glasses and I put it in my purse.

We walked to a few more stores. Each time we went into a store, he touched me and held me longer. I received a few envious stares from women. We talked about school and all sorts of stuff - from football to school to our favorite places.

Ifelt comfortable around him. He was fun and easy to talk to. I did notice that he gave guys dark looks when their gazes stayed on me longer than he wanted. He was a man. No question about it.

He brought me inside a tiny Italian restaurant that had great online reviews, according to his phone. The tables were so small that he and I were literally pressed against each other. He was a big guy so there wasn't much space for me to move. He asked if I was ok or if I wanted to go to another restaurant. I said no. I liked the homey feeling of the place and the truth was, I didn't mind being this close to him.

I ordered angel hair pasta with chicken and he, a steak. I had a glass of white wine and he got a beer. He liked beer. The table was small; there was barely any space for both our orders.

I bit into my food and closedmy eyes. This was delicious.
