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She laughed. “I’m almost twenty-nine. Where have you been?”

He laughed. “Weren’t we out playing rescue the princess just yesterday?”

The princess that wore pigtails and was skinny and they knew threw a mean right hook. Madison was not someone you wanted to get into a fight with at that age.

Those were the fun days. The days of playing outside without a care in the world until your mother called and said it was time for supper and baths.

But this version of Madison was all grown up. Why had he never looked at her like a woman before today?

Even though they had seen each other when she came to visit her mother, he’d never really looked at her like he was seeing her tonight. And tonight’s version had his chest aching while he tried to breathe.

“Let’s go,” he said. “Time to make the Oakdale country club believe we’re dating.”

“Are you going to kiss her?” Evan asked, grinning.

He would be the one to make this uncomfortable. Already, he could see the mischief on his brother’s face, and knew if they didn’t leave, it was soon going to be very embarrassing.

“Yes,” she said. “No one will believe we’re dating if we don’t act like we’re happy. And that requires a kiss.”

Shit. How in the hell was he supposed to kiss her without becoming involved? Already he could see this was going to be much harder than he’d originally planned. Just glancing at those full ruby-red lips had him wanting to groan.

“Any more embarrassing questions?” he asked, glancing at his brothers who had all come out of their homes to see them off.

They each had their own house down the road and yet they found an excuse to be here tonight to witness them going on their first date. Though this was really not a date, but a business arrangement. He would help her, and she would keep the women off him.

“Well…” Garth his youngest brother and the one most likely to get into trouble said with a grin.

Oh no, Adrian knew Garth was going to say something that would humiliate both of them.

He pulled out several packages of condoms and handed them to Adrian. “You can never have enough of these. Here’s a couple more.”

A blush spread over Adrian’s face and he shook his head and stuffed them into his tux pocket. There was no need for them, but he wasn’t going to make a big to do in front of his brothers and embarrass Madison.

Taking her by the elbow, he led her to the door.

“On that thrilling conclusion, we’re leaving. Don’t wait up for us,” he said which was their clue to get back to their own homes and out of his.

Holding the door open, Madison walked through and he followed her.

From outside, he could hear his brothers’ laughter. Glad to have made their evening.

“Sorry about that. Garth’s mouth is often a problem,” he said, opening the door to his truck. He watched with fascination as she stood on the running board and then slid onto the seat. Her dress slid up exposing more of her long legs. Legs that could wrap around a man’s waist.

“It’s fine. He was always the troublemaking one of the group,” she said. “Him and Evan.”

“Nothing has changed,” he said, shutting the door and walking around to the driver’s side. Why did this feel like a date?

It was and it wasn’t.

It was a fake date and yet Madison looked hot enough that he feared he would be the one protecting her from the single cowboys at the country club.

Once he climbed into the truck, he started it and they drove down the lane.

“We need to make a game plan,” she said. “One that we’re both comfortable with and that shows everyone we’re a couple.”

Oh, great. More about them kissing.

“Also, we need to decide when we’re going to make the announcement that we’re engaged. Do you have a ring or something that I can wear that would say engagement?”
