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“Yes,” she said softly.

After he paid the bill, they stood. The other table was also leaving at the same time. Damn, his timing really sucked.

Putting his hand on Madison’s back, he guided her out the door.

“Adrian,” Sally called.

Crap, they were not going to escape without talking to the two women he avoided at all costs.

They stepped outside the restaurant into the cool evening air and the women followed. There was no evading these two man-traps.

“Adrian,” Norma Jean called.

Slowly, he turned and stared into her cold gray eyes. In some ways, she reminded him of Laurie, but with a lot more need for control. “Hi, ladies. Did you enjoy the food?”

“Very much,” Sally said.

They had not said hello to Madison. Bitches.

“You ladies, know my date, Madison,” he asked to draw their attention to the fact that he was with a woman.

“Hi,” they each responded in a deadpan.

“Yes, we know each other,” Norma Jean said. “Your date? I thought you didn’t date.”

Caught in a second lie.

“Only occasionally,” he said. “We’ve just hit it off so well, we’re seeing each other daily.”

They would think he was sleeping with Madison, but he didn’t care. People were going to think what they wanted.

“Oh,” Sally said. “But you’re not engaged. You’re not exclusive, right?”

Still looking for an opening. A way to get to him.

Suddenly Madison reached up, her hand cupping his cheek, she pulled his mouth toward hers and he met her halfway.

The kiss was deep and passionate and filled with the promise of more. The promise of love and sex and all the things they were avoiding. And yet, he couldn’t resist pulling her close and holding her tight.

The feel of her breasts crushed against his chest almost had him moaning. There was so much more he wanted from Madison, but this was only for these two ladies to witness.

Madison was going to give them a show and he was her lead actor. Whatever she wanted, he would have given it to her at this moment. This kiss had his erection squeezing his jeans tight.

The feel of her in his arms was more thrilling than he’d planned. What in the hell was he doing? If they were doing this to be a show, it was starting to have real consequences for him.

When she broke loose, he pushed back her hair that had fallen in her face and she smiled at the two ladies.

“We’re exclusive. He’s mine,” she said. “It was great seeing you two.”

They stared at them, their mouths hanging open.

As they walked off, a chuckle rumbled through him. “Damn, that was perfect, honey. I enjoyed every minute of it.”

She probably thought he was talking about the show they had just put on, but in reality, it was her kiss. The feel of her lips had left his heart pounding in his chest with his dick throbbing in time.

Whatever was happening between them, he liked it and now he just wondered if he’d made a terrible mistake hiring her as his bodyguard.

