Page 77 of Fake in Love

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“Yeah. It’s going to help us both, but I’m still not sure how I feel about you investing money into the Heartstopper. I don’t want to be?—”

“Don’t say burden, Angel. You’re anything but that. You’re a blessing,” I say. “And trust me, I have more than enough money to help you.”

“How?” Marci asks. “No offense, but how will you afford any of this on a deputy’s salary?”

“My grandfather left me some money when he passed,” I say. “I invested it wisely. That row of commercial buildings across the street from the Heartstopper?”


“I own them.”

“What the fuck?” Marci’s jaw drops. “Jeez, Taylor. Good for you, man.”

Her cheeks color.

“I’m privileged enough to have had the money to invest. And I know a good investment when I see one.”

“You think the Heartstopper is a good investment?”

Not what I meant.

“Yeah. So get excited. You might not want to be married to my annoying ass, but you won’t have to stay that way. And we can draw up a contract so that we’re both covered when we split.”

“This is insane,” Marci says, but there’s a hint of excitement in her tone. “You’ll invest in the Heartstopper?”

“Yeah,” I say, “but I won’t pay off Billy’s debt. Not until I’ve found out who’s threatening you in the first place.”

It’s a hard line I won’t cross. Marci’s endeavors, I’m all for, and I will protect her, but Billy is not going to get a fucking dime. Not when he treats my wife like a piggybank.

“We’re doing this?” Marci asks, her hands tucked underneath her thighs, her head tilted so her hair cascades past her right shoulder.



We are fucking doing this.

I stand in front of the mirror in Ganny’s bedroom, turning this way and that as I examine my dress. It’s one I found on short notice, a lacy cream dress that stops short of my knees. June moves around me, putting the finishing touches on my hair, her eyes glistening with tears.

“Oh my gosh, Marci, you’re perfect,” she says. “I hope I look half as good on my wedding day.”

“You look stunning,” Hannah adds, tucking her dark hair back from her face.

She’s got that classic, model beauty, and both of my besties are pictures in green. Their outfits aren’t matching, but it’s the best they could do on short notice, and I appreciate them so much in this moment.

“I think I’m having a panic attack,” I say, fanning my face. “I can’t believe I’m doing this.”

“Don’t sweat too much,” Hannah says, ever the practical one. “You’ll ruin your makeup.”

“Jesse adores you, Marce.” June grasps my shoulders and places her face next to mine, her blonde hair a stark contrast to my red. “You two are meant to be.”

Except it’s not real. The wedding might be, but we’re not in love.

I repeat it again and again, because the only people who have loved me for me are my friends and my father. No man has ever accepted me. I’m not even sure I’m worth accepting.

The panicked thoughts stream through my mind.

My phone rings, and I jump.

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