Page 62 of Fake in Love

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“Seems likelifeis complicated,” she sighs.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

Riley’s deep brown eyes fill with emotion, and she glances out at the street, with another smile.

“Maybe sometime.”

The rest of the morning passes at a glacial pace. Todd comes in, and I give him his regular order on the house, much to Grant’s chagrin. There are other locals who stop by to grab coffee and food, and it’s getting close to the time when my ex and Jesse usually come by for coffee. My nerves build at the thought of seeing him after last night. It’s a nice reprieve from being tense about seeing Nate.

I grab my phone to distract myself and drop in on the group chat.


Hi, ladies. Not sure how long I’m going to be able to participate in the group chat. <3 Something biiiiiiig is coming!


Ugh. Who added my gorgeous sister to the chat?


That would be… you, Han.


Well, we hardly ever get to see you or hear from you soooo… Also, spill. What’s the big news?


I can’t talk about it. But it’s exciting. And you might be seeing me sooner than you think. Just not in person.


I love riddles!


What am I, Bilbo Baggins?


Can’t wait to find out what you’re up to.


What I’m up to? What about you, Walsh? What’s this I hear about you getting engaged to my brother?


Lily is younger than the other girls. We didn’t connect when we were younger, because while I was in high school, she was starting middle school. But from the few times we’ve chatted, she seems awesome.


Yeah, Kind of sudden and unexpected, but we’re happy.


Kind of sus if you ask me. You haaaaate Jesse.

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