Page 49 of Fake in Love

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Nate’s wife, Helen, draws near, bearing a bright smile, and his bravado drops. He takes her hand and walks off, glancing back at us, shaking his head. Nate doesn’t buy it, but I don’t care. There’s nothing he can do to prove it, so fuck him, and fuck this entire picnic.

I want to take Marci home.



“That went well,”Marci says, hesitating before she gets into the front of my squad. I want to know what that’s about, but I can’t ask her. She won’t answer me, and I’m mind-fucked.

The kiss.

I’m the kind of guy who prides himself on how he uses his mouth in the bedroom. Kissing is one of the many types of foreplay I enjoy, but that was something else. I’ve never lost track of time kissing a woman before, but with Marci, the world faded away.

I load our stuff into the back. Inside, I put on my seatbelt, start the engine, and sit back, leaning one arm over the back of the seat.

Marci pulls a face. “That was, uh— Yeah, I think you’re going to have an uphill battle trying to get people in this town to trust you, but you’ll get through it.”

“I heard what you said about me.”

“I’m playing the part of your wife, apparently, so I have to be nice. Color me weird, but I don’t want to be with a man I don’t like,” she says.


“Yeah, well, I appreciated it.”

“Sure. Of course. About the wife thing, though?”

“We’ll tell people we had a shotgun wedding in Austin,” I say. “Nobody’s going to ask too many questions, except maybe your dumbass fuckhead of an ex, so?—”

“Whoa,” Marci laughs. “You really don’t like him.”

“Do you?”

“No,” she says. “He makes my skin crawl.”

I drive down the road, heading back toward her diner. I don’t want to drop her off and leave, but it’s early afternoon. If she was mine, for real, I’d take her home and lay her down, strip her clothes from her body, and worship her for the way she talked about me. I’d also install an alarm in her diner. Hunting down the guy who harmed her? Already working on that.

It’s quiet in the car. “Next time I kiss you in public, moan less,” I say.

“Next time you kiss me in public,” Marci says, “try not to grope me.”

“I didn’t grope you.”

“You were close,” she says, a smile lifting the corners of those fucking lips.

I want them wrapped around my cock while I eat her pussy. I want it so bad it’s a problem.

“Close, huh? If you think that’s close, I’ve got a couple of things to show you, Angel.”

“Rule number one.”

I’m inches from saying fuck the rules, because Marci’s cheeks are pink, and the way we responded to each other was pure fire. But I’m not going to break those rules unless she wants me to. And she hasn’t said she wants that outright.

Besides, it’s meant to be fake, and that kiss was too real. Marci doesn’t want me, and she never will.

“How are you feeling now that I’m sleeping over?” I ask, turning the corner into Main Street. “Did you feel safer the past couple of nights?”

Marci wets her lips.

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