Page 40 of Fake in Love

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“Melted— Auntie Marci?”

Alex gasps, eyes widening at the sight of us holding hands.

“Melted Auntie Marci?” Cash thumbs his bearded chin. “I’m afraid that’s not on the list. I—” He sees us holding hands and smirks. “Ah. Finally. Auntie Marci has melted.”

“You’re an asshole,” Marci says.

“Swear jar,” I say in unison with Alex.

Alex laughs hysterically, and it’s infectious. We head down the Melted Mayhem pathway together, Cash occasionally giving me knowing looks.

My brother has always been convinced that I’m into Marci, and he’ll never let me live this down. I don’t want to think abouthow much shit he’s going to give me when we get fake divorced for the town to see.

Alex, Jayjay, and Marci wander off ahead, drawn to a display of a melted set of plastic gnomes, and Cash falls into step beside me.

“What are you doing?” he asks.

“Putting one foot in front of the other,” I reply.

“She’s not the kind of woman you mess around with, Jesse.”

I arch an eyebrow at him. “Little brother, you’re not seriously giving me a ‘don’t hurt her’ talk, are you? What do you think I am?”

“It’s not what you are. It’s who you are. And you’re not the type of guy who settles down,” Cash says. “Marci doesn’t need a man who’s going to flit in and out of her life. She’s already got enough shit with her brother, and if you piss Marci off, you piss June off. You fuck with those women, you fuck with me.”

“That’s noble of you, Cash,” I say, “but I’m not fucking with anybody. Marci and I are consenting fucking adults, and I’m not planning on breaking her heart.” She won’t even give it to me to break, and I’m not planning on giving her mine either. “So, how ’bout you fucking chill?”

“I’m looking out for both of you.” Cash scratches under his beard. “Y’all are acting the fool. Neither of you are ready for a relationship.”

I grit my teeth. “Not ready for a relationship. Not ready to run for sheriff. Is there anything else you think I can’t do that you want to tell me about? Tie my shoelaces? Drive a car?”

“Jesse, that’s not what I’m saying,” Cash says.

“Yeah, well, that’s how it’s coming across to me. You don’t have faith in me. I get it.”

“That’s a crock of shit. I’m?—”

But I walk off before I get into a brawl with my brother. There’s too much ego between us. Cash is a natural star, a leader,and I’m his older brother, standing in his shadow. I’m done being in the shadows. And I’m drawn to Marci like she’s a flame, and I’m a fluttering fucking moth. I don’t care if my wings get burned to a crisp. I want her anyway.

“Marci,” I say.

She turns, and I drop down on one knee in front of her, retrieving the velvet black ring box from my pocket.

Alex and June grab each other and gasp. Cash stands there, gaping. Around us, people turn and stare. Familiar faces from Heatstroke, eyes widening, and whispers start up.

Marci’s hand flutters to her chest.

“We’ve had our ups and downs,” I say, meeting her gaze. “Things haven’t always been easy, but I can’t picture my life without you. I want to spend the rest of it, devoted to showing you that you were made to be loved, and that I’m the one who was made to love you. Marci Walsh, will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

Marci’s mouth opens. The sides of her lips curl, and I’m left hanging for what feels like a fucking eternity.

She’s enjoying this. She’s enjoying me on my knees in front of her.

“Yes,” she says, then clears her throat and puts up an ecstatic smile. “Yes, of course, I’ll marry you, Jesse.”

She puts out her left hand, and I slide the ring onto her finger. Her eyes go wide at the size of the pear-cut stone in its platinum band.

I rise and sweep her off her feet, spinning her on the spot while she laughs. I squeeze her to my chest, then cup her cheeks in both hands and plant a quick kiss on her lips.

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