Page 13 of Fake in Love

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“Come on, Taylor. Get real,” he says, rolling his gray eyes upward. “Nobody takes you seriously.”

“And they takeyouseriously?”

“Fuck yeah, they do. I’m married. People respect me. And I haven’t fucked half the town,” he says. “Besides, like I said, legacy.”

“People don’t care about that shit,” I reply. “This isn’t the Middle Ages.”

“They care. They want a responsible guy to run the town.” Nate squares his shoulders and thumbs himself in the chest.“I’m that guy. I don’t let people get away with shit. Whereas you… you fucking let someone out of cuffs yesterday. Don’t get me started on the times you’ve let your father off the hook.” Nate reaches out and pats me on the shoulder then gives it a hard squeeze. “Sorry, dude. Just don’t think it’s happening for you.”

I shrug him off, instantly reminded of Cash and Savage last night. Their doubt might have been well-meaning, but it was as shitty as Nate’s.

“I’m running,” I say, and finish the last of my donut.

Nate exhales a laugh. “It’s your funeral, dude.”

I have many reasons to hate this motherfucker, and he’s added another one to the list.

I’m going to run for sheriff, and I’m going to win.




How are you holding up, Han?


I’ve been better. I don’t get why he had to be so mean about it. Like… This is the worst breakup I’ve ever had, and it’s not even a conventional breakup.


Men are assholes.


I second that. Apart from Cash. June’s one of the lucky ones.


I’m sorry you’re going through it, Han. <3 If there’s anything we can do, say the word.


Want to do one of those evil ex-bf rituals where we burn his shit and chant naked in the driveway?


I mean… I would, but I think my neighbors might complain. And he didn’t give me that much stuff. So there’s not much to burn.


That makes me hate him more.

I setmy phone on the counter in the Heartstopper, shaking my head at the fuckery that is Hannah’s love life. Mine is non-existent, and the last man who touched me put me off guys for years. I’m still dealing with the after-effects of that particular relationship.

My phone buzzes as more texts come through in our girlies group chat, and I smile. I love these women. They’re my best friends, my sisters, and the only other people in the world, apart from my brother, who I would die for if it came down to it.

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