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I spin around just as tears spill down my face. I never thought it'd be so hard to say goodbye. Forcing my legs into action, I head toward the door.

His voice reaches me just as I'm about to turn the knob.

“I love you, Dana.”

I freeze, momentarily forgetting how to breathe. Nothing, absolutely nothing prepared me for the weight of his words.For a moment, my world seems to tilt precariously on its axis, threatening to either balance or fall and crash.

I turn around slowly to face him, biting down hard on my lips to reassure myself that this moment isn't some wishful dream. Damon looks directly into my eyes, his gaze calm and steady.

“I love you, Dana Smith,” he repeats loud and clear.

“B-but at the club, y-you…”

“I was dumb,” he completes. He sits up properly on the bed, wincing a little as he grabs the stabbed area of his stomach. “I wanted to stay in control of my emotions so badly that I denied the things that I feel for you. I guess that I thought saying it out loud would make it true, but that's bullshit. I love you; I have loved you from the very day I set my eyes on you. I will love you until I take my last breath, and then maybe some more.”

I don't know if it's the certainty in his gorgeous blue eyes or the conviction that settles in my own chest, but the world suddenly seems right again. My heart swells with an overwhelming happiness, one that has me running to him and flinging myself at him.

Damon grunts loudly but holds me tighter when I try to pull away. “No, stay,” he murmurs into my hair. “Let's stay like this for a while.”

“I love you too,” I say after a long stretch of warm silence.

He pulls back slightly, his expression intense as he searches my face.

“Say that again, kitty.” His voice is low and warm, filled with adoration.

“I love you,” I repeat, smiling through the tears filling up in my eyes.

Slowly, he cups my chest and lowers his mouth to mine. The kiss is gentle and passionate, reinforcing the words that he expressed moments ago. I melt into his embrace, surrendering myself to him, body and soul. Nothing else matters at this moment except him –us– and the beautiful days to come.

When we pull apart to catch our breath, he takes my left hand, his thumb caressing my fake engagement ring. He looks up at me and I can see the anxiety in the alluring blue depths of his eyes.

“Do you suppose you can marry me?” he asks quietly, his gaze unwavering. “For real this time.”


“I want to spend the rest of my life with you, honey. Every second starting from now.”

I nod jerkily, unable to stop the tears spilling down my cheeks. “Yes,” I sniffle, and then I laugh. “Yes, I'll marry you, Damon.”

He laughs too, his grip on my hand tightening a little. “I should buy you a new ring. Something that's worth the world.”

"Oh, but I love this, "I say, smiling at his confused expression. "It has our love story embedded in it; I'd hate to see it go.”

He raises my hand to his lips for a lingering kiss, then raises his eyes to mine. “I love you so much.”

“I love you too.”

I return his smile, willingly drowning it in the wonderful promises that his eyes hold.



Six years later

The sweet smell of flowers lingers in the air as I follow the trail of petals leading to the bedroom. I rack my brain, trying to remember if I'm missing an anniversary or something, and then I give up trying to guess my wife's intentions. She's always up to something new, something interesting; it's why there's never been a boring day in the six years of our marriage.

My heart starts to thrum in anticipation as I get closer to our bedroom where the flower trail stops.

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