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“A fake engagement,” I interrupt. “Let's be clear on that.”

“But there's something there, isn't there?” he asks, searching my face with those unsettling grey eyes of his. “I mean, you're different with her… Soft? Vulnerable?”

"Bullshit," I snort, ignoring the confusing emotions that his words rouse within me– the same emotions that I've been battling with since I set my eyes on Dana.

"I'm attracted to her, but that's just about it," I reply, tipping the brandy glass to my lips in a bid to conceal whatever emotions might have slipped through the facade I put up. "Once all this is over, Dana and I will go our separate ways and live our separate lives. I'm not about to be tied down by petty emotions and…"

Suddenly, a chattering noise echoes through the otherwise hushed lounge followed by a surprised shriek. I look up to see Dana bent over broken shards just a few feet from the section where I'm seated with Curt. She starts to pick up the glass, her hands trembling badly.


I rush over to her and grip her hand to stop her. “You should be careful. You don't want to hurt yourself.”

She raises her eyes to mine, and that's when I see the tears streaming silently down her cheeks. My chest tightens painfully at the betrayal and hurts in her eyes. I've never wanted to hit myself in the balls more than in that moment.

“Dana, I…”

“I- I'm sorry,” she mumbles shakily, then stands up and starts to run in the opposite direction.

“Oh, fuck!”She heard all of it.

I immediately run after her, ignoring Curt's voice calling my name. I don't know what I'll even say to excuse my stupidity when I catch up with her, but I know that I can't let her go like this.

She runs surprisingly fast for someone wearing a skirt and heels. By the time I get outside, she's already sliding into a taxi. I stare dazedly at the disappearing taillights, momentarily paralyzed by the weight of what I might have lost.

I can't lose Dana, though… Not when she's the only woman I've ever fallen in love with.

Spurred into action by the overwhelming realization, I hail the next taxi, reciting Dana's address as fast as I can.

When I get to her apartment, I’m surprised to see the door slightly open. I pause to discern the voices coming from within when I suddenly hear a shrill scream.

I rush inside, my stomach churning violently at the thought of Dana being in danger. My heart skips a dangerous beat at the scene that greets my eyes: the idiot that attacked her in the hallway the other day has a knife to her neck while Dana trembles, tears streaming down her face.

"It's you, isn't it?" he snarls at me, his arm tightening around her neck, and Dana whimpers. "You're the bastard fucking my girlfriend."

“What the hell?”

"You know, from the moment I met her, I knew there was something special about her," he continued like I didn't just speak. "I knew her first. I fell in love with her first. And you think you can come steal her away from me? To take what she was saving for me for yourself?! No. I don’t care how rich you are. If she can't be mine, you can't have her either. No one can."

“Let her go,” I say, holding out my hands as I advance slowly. “Let's settle this man to man.”

“No,” he snarls, pressing the knife harder against her neck, drawing a trickle of blood.

I look at Dana in time to see the fierce resolve settling in her eyes. I see her intention even before she fully conceives it.

It’s too late to stop the next sequence of events…

She grabs his knife arm, inclines her body slightly to the side, and head-butts him with a grunt. James lets out an angry growl as Dana sprints away from him. He lunges for her, but I step in just as he brandishes his knife.


Suddenly a shrill cry permeates the air, one that I instantly recognize to be Dana's. I glance down to see the knife buried in my stomach and thick red liquid spreading through my shirt. I look back up at James; he has a shocked expression on his face, like he didn't expect me to be at the other end of his weapon.

“Bitch,” I mutter, wincing at the effort it takes to speak. I smirk at him, goading him in a bid to distract him from the dawning anger in his eyes.

Anything to keep him away from Dana…

His expression hardens, and he twists the knife. A gut-wrenching pain spreads through my entire body, causing me to grip his shoulder for support.

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