Page 91 of Wine or Lose

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I’d lived my life by the principle that I always trusted my gut, and right now, my gut was screaming at me to get back in my truck and disappear somewhere far, far away.

Instead, despite the intricate knots my stomach had twisted itself into, I pushed into the conference room for the emergency board meeting Amara had called for this afternoon.

It was Monday, and I hadn’t seen her since last Friday—hadn’t even spoken to her. Considering we usually exchanged flirty texts back and forth when we were apart—hell, we rarely spent a weekend anywhere but each other’s arms—her radio silence was a cause for concern.

Coupled with this meeting that she hadLeoncall to inform me of?

Like I said, something was seriously wrong.

When I entered the room, the entire Delatou family was already gathered at the table. My usual spot immediately to Amara’s left had been occupied by Leon, Lena seated across from him, Chloe and Delia next to her, Ella and Brie on Leon’s side. Uncomfortable with the abrupt departure from our usual seating arrangement, I dropped down next to Brie.

No sooner had my ass met the chair than Amara started the meeting.

“Thank you all for meeting on such short notice,” she began. “There are only a few items on the agenda today, so I’ll try to make this as brief and painless as possible.”

How had it taken me so long to realize how easily she commanded a room? How perfectly she held the attention of every person here as she stood at the head of the table, hands sometimes resting in front of her as she leaned over and spoke, other times standing straight, shoulders square as she gestured to the flatscreen on the wall behind her.

“First order of business: the Labor Day event. Now, initially, I know I mentioned inviting all the sales reps in the state to join us for the weekend, but unfortunately, once I started doing my research, I realized that wasn’t feasible.”

She continued to speak on the sheer number of sales reps Michigan’s largest wholesaler—ourwholesaler—employed, and how it wasn’t an option to give them all free room and board for a weekend. I didn’t miss the way her eyes narrowed on me when she referred to it as an “unwise financial decision.”

So she did listen to me on occasion.

Apparently, she’d decided to extend the invitation to each of the territory managers instead, which totaled around thirty people instead of over one hundred.

“Twenty of them are able to make it,” she said proudly, “which is great considering that’s that exact sleeping capacity in the Villa.” Her family chuckled, and she continued. “It’s unfortunate we couldn’t get them all here, but I understand people have families and other plans that they weren’t prepared to change or cancel. Twenty is still great, and I’m excited to welcome them all to Apple Blossom Bay and the property in a few weeks.”

I still thought it was insane to open the Villa to these people for free, to expend precious resources on education and a party for them when it probably wouldn’t make a lick of difference. But I couldn’t deny Amara’s excitement was contagious, and I found myself smiling at her as she relayed the plans she had for the weekend, including tours through the grounds with Liam, dinner at Owen’s restaurant, Birdie’s, and the Labor Day party itself, which would be held here at the winery and catered by Ezra and Brie.

“For drinks, we’ll be offering the canned cocktails exclusively. Sales of all four offerings continue to trend upward, and as we move into the slower months, I want reps pushing them out to market whenever possible. I’m hoping for at least eighty percent account retention by the end of the year.”

“Lofty,” I said before I could stop myself, the word holding a slight edge.

“Doable,” Amara quipped in return, then used talk of account retention to launch into Q4 projections.

Another departure from the norm—in standard board meetings, as the ChiefFinancialOfficer of this company, it was my job to relay sales projections to the group. As far as I could remember, I hadn’t even emailed the reports to her yet, which meant she circumvented me and went straight to Jeff. Being who he was, and Amara being who she was, I knew Jeff wouldn’t balk at giving her what she’d asked for, wouldn’t even question the otherwise abnormal request.

What the fuck was going on?

I hadn’t realized I’d spoken the words out loud until Amara turned to me, a wolfish grin on her face.

“You know, Mr. Ryder, I’m really glad you asked.”

Mr. Ryder?

“I didn’t mean—”

“Oh, don’t start backpedaling now,” she said. “After all, you were the third item on my agenda today.”

Fear raced down my spine, anxious sweat instantly breaking out on my brow, the surge of adrenaline prickling my under arms and raising my heart rate.

I couldn’t explain how I knew, but the look on Amara’s face right now? The utter, almost unnatural calm on the faces of each of her family members?

This was a witch hunt, and I was the one about to burn.

“I was?” I asked, fighting and failing to keep my voice steady.

“It’s recently come to my attention that you attempted to stage a coup.”
