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“Piper, this is Maddocks,” Duncan said. “He has a pack in Florida.” His tone was almost as chilly as Groza’s stare.

“Nice to meet you,” I said, trying to force some thread of enthusiasm into my tone when I was devoid of any.

“Same here,” Maddocks said, actually sounding genuine.

“Nice to see you again,” Kicks said, smiling like we shared a secret.

What was the deal with this guy? I’d done him a favor, and he was intent on outing a tryst that we hadn’t had.

Duncan stiffened as he split his glare between the two of us.

“You two met before?” Maddocks was ping-ponging his attention between all of us, trying to make sense of the situation.

“You could say we had a moment,” Kicks said, again with the innuendo.

“Not much of one, though, was it?” I added. If he could hint at certain things, then so would I. If he wanted to pretend we’d played ball, I’d tell everyone we’d been playing miniature golf.

I feigned sophistication, but underneath, my heart was racing. His familiarity had a way of making me feel unhinged and downright raw.

Kicks put his hand to his chest, as if I’d wounded him. “Really? I treasured our meeting.”

If Duncan’s stare grew much hotter, I was afraid he was going to start spewing lava out of his eyes.

Maddocks laughed softly, only seeming to focus on our little wordplay. “Kicks, looks like you’re losing your touch with the ladies.”

There was no surprise that Kicks would be a ladies’ man. There’d been something about the ease with which he touched me that spoke of lots of experience with the fairer sex.

Kicks leaned in closer, his hand going to the small of my back like I was a magnet. “You through with me, Pips? Say it ain’t so, darlin’.”

“You win some, you lose some.” I shrugged, waiting to see if he’d give up. For some reason, I didn’t think he would. Or maybe I hoped he wouldn’t?

“Game isn’t over yet, is it?” He had a smirk that could make a girl forget every good decision she’d made.

Game. If I was smart, I’d remember that word choice.

“Are you coming to dinner tomorrow?” Maddocks asked.

I jerked, having forgotten we weren’t alone for a minute. Duncan was gripping his mug so hard I was surprised he hadn’t dented the pewter when I turned back to them.

“Of course she’s invited,” Groza said, sidling over to me and not leaving the requisite ten-foot distance, as if we were on the best terms. “I was going to come by and invite her myself.”

Duncan’s mouth was in a line as he looked at me, silently demanding that I decline the invitation.

Why would I listen to him at this point? He could do whatever he wanted, and I didn’t have a single say in his actions. Why should he have a say in mine?

“I’d love to. Of course I’ll be there.” I even forced myself to smile at Groza, as if the sight of her didn’t make bile churn in my gut.

It took all of a second for me to regret accepting. Talk about cutting off my nose to spite my face. It was as if I were walking around with a chainsaw lately, willing to hack off my entire face in the spirit of scorched earth.

I was still ruing my words as Groza lured them all into conversation. It was time to make my way out of this little group. If I was going to have to sit and eat with them all tomorrow, rest was needed. Plus, if Groza wanted me there, it couldn’t possiblybe to my benefit. I’d have to not only have my guard up, but shield my back, sides, and all possible vulnerabilities.

“Leaving?” Kicks said as I tried to quietly sneak away from the group.

“Yes. I’m tired. Goodnight.” I picked up my pace. Charlie was having a sleepover with the guys tonight, so I should’ve been able to make a clean break—if it wasn’t for Kicks.

“I’ll walk you home. I wanted to check out more of the village anyway.” He fell into step with me, casually looking around as if we were happy tourists together.

“I don’t appreciate your games,” I said, disillusioning him of any real civility between us. We could stroll together all night long and it wouldn’t change anything. I walked faster, the cold night air stinging my cheeks. The soft candlelight glowing in the windows of the village that I usually took pleasure in didn’t even calm me tonight.

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