Page 67 of Brazen

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Tessa’s grin amps up even brighter. She adores her adopted uncles. They dote on her every chance they get. My whole family has adopted Tessa into our brood like she’s always been a part of us. I love them even more for that. I hear the front door close. Ten bucks says that’s my parents.

“Is G and G here?” she asks excitedly.

She began calling my parents Gpa and Gma a month ago. My dad was over the moon to have a surrogate granddaughter to impart his wisdom to. Mom just loves that Tessa likes to spend time baking in the kitchen with her when she stays over.

“That would be my guess,” I answer.

“I bet Dad brought his camera to snap pictures. It’ll be like running from the paparazzi out there.” Brontë laughs. “Now stop grinning so we can get your makeup right.”

Tessa immediately sobers, which makes my sisters laugh harder.

“You’re so beautiful,” I say, marveling at the transformation happening in front of me. Not that Tessa isn’t beautiful all the time. Her inner beauty made me love her from the beginning. But, this is a glimpse into the Tessa she’ll be as an adult. It’s absolutely stunning.

“Thank you, Aunt Eliot,” she says, blushing.

Soon, it’s time for the dress. I took Tessa to buy not just a stunning dress for tonight but new undergarments too. They’re a little more than I’d normally let a middle school student buy, but I made an exception. After all, every woman needs lingerie that makes them feel pretty. I have a lot more now that I’m with Owen.

We help her slide the dress into place. She turns for me to zip it up. Austen grabs my phone and snaps a few pictures of my hands working the zipper up. I fight back a few tears. I hope wherever her mother is, she’s getting the help she needs. It should be her here helping her daughter dress for her first formal. I just hope I’m doing a good job as a stand-in mom.

“Shoes,” Austen says, helping her step into them.

I also let her pick out a pair of shoes with a slight heel. Nothing crazy. Nothing that will send Owen into orbit. When she’s done, I slide a necklace on that I wore to my first dance. It’s just a piece of costume jewelry, but it’s perfect with the dress. She turns to face us. We take a mass of photos while we “ooh” and “ahh.”

“You look amazing,” Brontë says.

“Thank you so much, everyone, for tonight,” Tessa says. She gives my sisters air kisses like they taught her so she doesn’t smear her lip gloss. “Do you think I can talk to Eliot in private for a second?”

“Absolutely,” Austen says. “I think I just heard a growl from the living room which means your date just arrived. We’ll be waiting to watch you blow his mind.”

They leave Tessa’s room. She turns to me. I brace for what comes next.

“It should be my mom here doing all of this,” she says.

“I know?—”

She holds up her hand to stop me. “But she chose something else instead of me. Something more important to her than me. You didn’t. You chose me when you didn’t have to. Whatever happens, that will always stay with me. To know you opened your home and your heart to me. I’m glad you chose us, Eliot. I’m so glad Uncle Owen knew what he found when he met you.”

I grab a tissue from her nightstand. She wraps her arms around me as I swipe the tears from my eyes. I hug her back hard. I’m glad Owen saw something in me worth loving, and I’m doubly glad he brought Tessa into my life. I’ll tell her all that later. I’m too busy blubbering right now.

“You ready?” I finally ask when we part.

“Do you think I am?”


“Okay then.” She squeezes my hand.

Leaving her room, I’m still wiping tears when I round the corner to a crowd in my living room. My parents did make it, as did Colton and his father. They’re visiting with Owen. For once, he doesn’t have the scowl on his face that usually is reserved for Colton. The conversation stops when I enter the room. Owen immediately moves to my side.

“Are you okay?” he asks quietly.

I nod.

“Okay, Tessa,” I call.

Her room door opens, and she makes her entrance.

“Wow,” Owen breathes next to me. “Tessa.” All he can do is shake his head.
