Page 56 of Brazen

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“I’ll help,” Owen says and follows Rand out.

“Tell us all about domestic life with the deputy,” Austen says, walking into the kitchen.

“They just moved in today. Hard to do anything too salacious in that time period with a twelve-year-old around,” I answer.

“Are you freaked about it yet?” Brontë asks.

“A little bit, yeah.” I set the knife down on the cutting board to meet my sisters’ gazes. “I think I might have reacted to the heat of the moment before thinking it through.”

“Heat of the moment,” my sisters say simultaneously with grins. What idiots.

“Seriously though, I think it’s great,” Austen adds.

“How so?” I want to know because I’m still of the opinion that I’ve lost my mind.

“I just think he’s a good guy that makes you happy. It will be hard for you to get too grumpy with a bubbly almost teenager in the house, and it’s nice to have something warm to cuddle up with at night.”

“I’m not grumpy.” They look at me like I’m a moron.

“Of course not, sweetie.” I flip Austen off. She laughs.

I finish chopping up the salad. Tossing the ingredients into a bowl, I leave to put it on the table. Owen is visiting with my parents near the fireplace. He smiles at me.

Setting the salad on the table, I move toward him. He pulls me against his side like we’ve been together for years. It feels a little awkward but nice at the same time. I guess I should get used to it. I don’t think Owen is the type of man to keep this relationship private. That’s a nice feeling also.

“Your mom and I are discussing books,” he says.

“I have never known her to turn that conversation down. Did y’all put Dad to sleep?”

“Rand made him a whiskey sour,” Mom answered. “He’s fine.” Dad raises his glass in salute.

“Let’s eat,” Brontë announces, carrying some sort of casserole to the table. “Tessa,” she yells.

“Coming,” is yelled back from upstairs. Tessa appears with Keats on her hip a few minutes later. “I gave him a fresh diaper,” she adds, handing him off to Brontë. “I’m a pretty good babysitter.”

“That is information I can use,” Brontë answers. “Everyone find a seat.” I sit next to Owen. Tessa manages to wiggle between Rand and Reed. I get it. I’d choose the S.H.O.G.L. guys too.

“So, how are you liking your new school?” Dad asks Tessa when we start passing the food around.

“It’s good. I have a couple of friends that let me hang out. I even got invited to a birthday party on the first day. Colton said I’m already popular. I’ve never been popular before. I was told I should try out for cheerleading next year, which would be cool. I can do that and still play basketball. Colton says we have to ride a bus to games.”

“Is this Colton Campbell?” Austen asks when Tessa pauses to breathe.

“Yeah. He’s been so cool showing me around.”

“He’s a distant cousin,” Reed pipes up.

I stifle a laugh when Owen growls softly. Talking him into letting Tessa go to the dance with Colton is going to be harder than I thought. As far as I’ve heard, Colton has been nothing but nice to Tessa.

It’s hard to explain that to a papa bear though. I know his sister had Tessa when she was young and he’s just trying to make sure Tessa chooses a different path, but I don’t think he has to worry. I think Tessa is far from following that road.

“Do you think you’ll be able to survive living with Eliot?” Dad asks, changing the subject.

“I think so. Time will tell, right? I mean, Uncle Owen put his stuff in the guest room, but I’m not a kid anymore. I know he’ll be sneaking over to Eliot’s room once he thinks I’m asleep. You can just look at them to tell they’re in love.”

Owen places his hands over his face. Reed and Rand are both shaking with silent laughter.

“But I’ll pretend I don’t hear anything.”

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