Page 33 of Brazen

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“Then let me lead you.”

His hands travel up and down my body as he turns me exactly how he wants. His hips roll against mine as we move together. Everything slowly disappears around us as he presses his hard planes against my soft curves. We could be anywhere, and I wouldn’t notice the people around me. I don’t even try to control myself when his hands glide to my waist encouraging me to roll my hips.

This is the most sensual thing I’ve ever done. He’s making me feel like I’m the most desired woman on the planet, like he wants to devour me. And I want him to. I want him to own me in this moment. I want him to roll his hips the same way he would make love to me.

“Excellent.” I hear Mrs. Bradford cutting through the lust haze. Everything comes back in a rush as Owen stops, keeping me firmly against him. I look around the group surrounding us. My sisters stand with their mouths open. Reed and Rand have grins on their faces. “So, any questions?”

“No,” someone says. “But I’ll have what she’s having.” Everyone laughs and moves onto the dance floor.

“I’m getting a drink.” I push out of Owen’s arms.

Grabbing a water off the table on the way by, I stumble back outside. I can use a couple of breaths of fresh air too. I pop my bottle open and lean against the wall. If I had an old-fashioned hand fan, I’d be fanning.

“Are you okay?” Owen asks, stepping outside.


“What’s wrong?” His eyebrows scrunch in the middle.

“What’s wrong, you ask?” I sputter. “I think my vagina just caught fire.” He tries to hide his laugh by coughing, but I catch it. “It’s not funny. I might be ruined to all but sexy Latin men. What was that?”

“It’s called bachata. It’s a little too advanced for this crowd, but I’ve always wanted to try it. For obvious reasons, my mom never taught it.” I look up at him. “You know, because of the whole flaming vagina and everything.”

I can’t help it. I laugh. Then I bang against him, and he laughs. Who discusses their turned-on lady parts with a random guy friend? He didn’t even flinch this time. I’ve brought him over to the dark side.

“Should we go back inside and show them how to mambo?” He holds out his elbow for me to take. “I promise no burning lady bits. Unless you like that.”

“I say yes to showing up those bitches.” I take his elbow. “I’ll let you know about those flaming bits.” We both grin and open the door to make our dramatic re-entry.

* * *


If she thinks learning how to dance a handful of Latin numbers is lady bit combusting (her words, not mine), wait until I jump, jive, and wail her. I should start lifting more at the gym. I wonder if I can convince her to keep dancing with me after the lessons are done. Right now, I’m trying to convince her it’s okay to roll those hips. I’m fighting an uphill battle.

“You have to move your hips like a belly dancer,” I try.

“You’ve got to let my hips do what they want. You’re not the boss of them.”

“Fine.” I spin her to me, shove her crotch against my thigh, and do a merengue dip. I snap her back up to my chest. She tries to move away, but I hold her fast.

“Now, move with me.” I over-exaggerate my hips, holding her tight against me. It takes a minute, but finally, she relaxes into an impressive hip rock that anyone would envy. “Better.”

“If you’re getting tired, Eliot, I’ll be happy to trade,” the woman who draped herself on me before Eliot arrived says when she dances by holding on to a man that can’t be younger than eighty if he’s a day. Eliot spins around so she’s backed up against me. She bends slightly and executes an impressive grind roll.

“I’m sure I can grind against his cock as good as you can,” she hisses. The other woman rolls her eyes and dances away with gramps in tow. Eliot has no problem swinging her hips now. And if we were in private, I’d be all for it.

“You’re going to have to stop doing that, or we’ll have to take this to the back alley.”

“Oh,” she says, spinning back around to face me. “Sorry. My bad.”

“Yeah,” I say, rolling my eyes.

The music changes to a rumba. What is this dance teacher thinking? This is going to be a whole room of sore people tomorrow. The instructor begins explaining the dance. I tune her out since I can do this one already.

“Remember to keep your hips moving. Follow my lead.” She nods, and I take her hand.

“This might be the best workout in town. Is this how you stayed fit growing up?”
