Page 44 of Make You Keep Me

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A smile takes over his face as he focuses on the curvy mountain highway, continuing our drive.

“Speaking of fights. I was a little stunned at the charity night in Charlotte, but I do remember how good you looked out there. I can tell you’ve been training hard. How did all that go down with you finding a new gym?

Pride fills me at his compliment. I worked so fucking hard after having Kiran, and it was tough to get back into it.

“Just like everything else I loved, I gave up fighting when I ran.” I pull my lips in between my teeth, taking a deep breath through my nose. Those days were dark. “But after I had Kiran, at my postpartum appointment, they cleared me physically. Mentally, though, I was really struggling. So, the doctor suggested a hobby or something that was just for myself.”

I remember the surprise on the doctor’s face when I told him I had been really into MMA before getting pregnant. But he had also been happy to hear it, saying that letting off those endorphins would be a game changer.

“At that point, I was living with Jade, so I found the closest gym to her. It took some time for them to take me seriously, since I was out of shape after having our little man. But once I was able to prove I did, in fact, know what the fuck I was doing, they accepted me into the fold. You saw my coach, Ryan, in Charlotte, but his dad is actually the one who runs the gym. I ended up telling him I was a single mom, and he offered me some part time work there too.”

Without Jack taking a chance on me, and Jade’s help with Kiran, I would never have been able to accomplish the things I did, and I am forever grateful.

“Even more than work, he gave me purpose without even realizing it. I started teaching self-defense classes to women two nights a week.”

“That’s so awesome, Sonny.” Squeezing my hand, he glances over at me, probably hearing the change in my tone.

My mind unfortunately goes to a place I hate. Letting out a sarcastic laugh, I say, “Yeah, I still can’t help having moments when I’m pissed at myself for letting Tommy’s scrawny ass get the upper hand on me, even with all my training.”

“No…” Nox says sternly before I interrupt him.

“It’s true. If he hadn’t of caught me so off guard, none of this shit we went through would’ve ever happened.”

“Don’t do that.” Pulling over to one of the lookout spots off the highway, Nox puts his car in park, facing out toward the mountains. We both take in the beautiful view for a few moments before he speaks.

“I told you, guilt has no room here. From you or me.” He rubs his hand over his face. “Trust me, I’m struggling with it too. But there is only one person to blame for that night. And lucky for him, he’s already dead.”

Nox unbuckles his seatbelt, turning to face me. “You just said you found purpose in those self-defense classes, so hold on to that fact. It's pretty damn amazing that you persevered and found a way to empower other woman by giving them tools to protect themselves. Even if your classes helped save one woman, that’s a huge difference you made.”

I swallow, his words drawing tears into my eyes at the thought. I know he’s right. Teaching those classes helped me heal in a way I’m not sure anything else could have, but some days my self-doubt creeps in, no matter how hard I try to keep it at bay.

“And I know you’re meeting with Gunnar this week. I’m sure you will go over all that. But make sure to tell him that’s something you are really interested in doing. Snow teaches those classes, and with him getting into coaching more seriously, he probably won’t have as much time for some of the classes he leads.”

That excites me, and as we pull back onto the road after a passionate make-out session, everything feels like it's falling into place. The old Emerson would’ve been terrified for the other shoe to drop, scared of the good coming her way, but Emerson 2.0 knows she deserves every bit of it.

* * *

I’m watchingon as Nox trains with a jiu-jitsu coach who travels around teaching techniques to the U.S. Military. We each have individual meetings with Cliff tomorrow, but when Nox found out Coach Thompson was going to be here this weekend, he jumped at the opportunity to take a class under him.

Fuck, he’s so sexy. Sweat drips off Nox’s inky black hair, sliding down his chest where his Gi has opened slightly. The woven cotton material is extremely durable and made specifically for rolling. Nox’s black belt adorns his waist. The accomplishment doesn’t surprise me because I’ve seen his floor work in the octagon, but I make a mental note to ask him when he officially moved up from a purple belt.

Over the past two years, Nox has mastered the art of being both aggressive and graceful with his movements. I never doubted he would accomplish what he set out to, but watching him now, with the type of precision he exhibits, it is obvious he is going to be one of the best to ever go pro.

I see it in the way the guest coach watches his moves with appreciation. He’s a beast, unstoppable. Even as elite of a fighter as Valdez is, there is no question in my mind that Nox will dominate the octagon in January.

When he takes a water break, his eyes find mine in the viewing area, where I’m leaning against the balcony. Licking his lips, he shoots me a wink, causing my pussy to clench, and even though I had him only hours ago, I can’t wait to let him use my body to unwind some of his adrenaline.

* * *


“Yeah, I’m back here in Charlotte today. So surreal. I’m meeting with Cliff tomorrow to discuss him managing my fights in the future.” I walk out of the locker room and hear Emerson on the phone in the small hallway beside the water fountains. Standing perched against the wall, I wait for her to finish her conversation.

“Thank you. It really is awesome. I owe you and your dad so much for all you did for me. I truly could never repay you guys.” It hits me that she’s most likely talking to her coach, and I can’t help the jealousy that stirs low in my gut.

“Kiran is great. He’s adjusting so well to North Carolina.” She pauses again, and hearing her talk about my son to another man has me wondering how often he was around him. I’m glad she had people in her corner, which is the only thing keeping the crazy green monster at bay.

“We miss you guys too.” And with that, I can’t take any more, so I walk toward her, making my presence known. She looks up, giving me a wide smile until she notices the rigidity having taken over my body. “I promise…we will stay in touch. Take care, Ryan.”

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