Page 32 of Romano

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“Sweetheart, I get you’re scared and I know my relationship history isn’t the best, all things considered, but I’m serious aboutyou.” He pulls me close again and I exhale, feeling some of the tension leave my bones. “I care about you and Joel. I want to look after you both.” Then he frowns. “And that means you’re moving in with me. I refuse to let you spend another minute in that shitty apartment block.”

“But is it safe here?” I ask, alluding to his family. He hasn’t talked much about his family, but I’m not stupid. I’ve heard some of the girls muttering about what kind of business the Faugnos are into, and it was obvious from the way he pulled a gun on the guy in the club that he’s no angel.

“Rory, I promise you, it’s safe here. You’re safe.”

I shouldn’t believe him, but I do.

Everything he’s done since the day we met has been to keep me safe.

It’s time I let my walls down and took a chance on love.

“OK,” I breathe, allowing myself to fully relax for the first time in forever.

“Nobody will ever hurt you again, sweetheart. I look after those I love.”

My heart stops beating in my chest and tears prick my eyes. “You love me?”

“Yes, sweetheart, I love you more than words can say. You’re the best thing that’s happened to me and I will not let you go. No matter what.”

“I love you, too,” I sob.



6 months later

My phone rings and I frown. Why is Romano calling me? He’s literally one floor down. I hit accept and there’s a blood-curdling shriek down the line. I’m so startled I drop the ladle, splashing pasta sauce all over the marble counter.

Jesus Christ!

“Help me! This thing is fucking possessed!”

There’s a lot of eye-rolling on my part. “Don’t be such a wuss!”

“I swear, it’s demonic!”

“Fine, I’ll come and rescue you from the big bad cat.”

Trying to stifle my laughter, I hang up, go downstairs, and hit record on my iPhone video app as I walk into Christiano and Cara’s living room. Hamish, Cara’s massive Maine Coon, hasRomano pinned in the corner. The cat sits at Romano’s feet, his tail swishing ominously. Romano looks terrified, which is fucking hilarious given he’s a dangerous gangster. I’m just about to go over and rescue him from the cat when Hamish tries to climb his leg like a tree. Since Hamish is a big boy, those vicious claws sink in really deep.

The ensuing scream is enough to wake the dead. I make sure to capture every hilarious minute of the drama before I take pity on my beloved and remove Hamish by the scruff of his neck.

“You do know he’s just being friendly, right?”

“I hate that fucking cat,” Romano grumbles. “Have you seen what a mess he’s made of the blinds in the bedroom? And I think he’s peed on their bed. It stinks of cat piss.”

I snort with laughter as I forward the video clip to Cara, electing not to mention the destroyed blinds and bed. They can sort that out when they return from their romantic weekend in Cape Cod.

“He’s just a cat and you’re such a big baby.”

“I have fucking holes in my legs and I’m pretty sure I need a tetanus shot.” He locks Christiano’s apartment door to prevent Hamish from escaping and terrorizing the security guys downstairs, then we head back upstairs.

“Aww, poor baby, want me to kiss your boo better?”

His eyes light up. “Yeah. You can start there and work your way up.”

“Too bad, I’m in the middle of cooking dinner. You’ll have to wait until later.”

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