Page 27 of Romano

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White-hot rage floods my system. I’m starting to understand how Christiano felt when Cara was in danger. The woman in front of me isn’t a threat but it doesn’t prevent me from wanting to rip her head off.

“Have you any idea who that woman was, Kat?” My voice is deceptively calm, but Kat sees the danger in my eyes.Finally.

“No…no?” she stutters, taking a step back. I grab her wrist and pull her back, not caring that she squeals with pain when the bones crunch beneath my fingers.

“She was Rory’s mother. She was trying to tell Rory to come home because she was sick. Luckily, a neighbor helped, and shewas taken to hospital in time for emergency surgery. No thanks to you and your little tantrum.”

“I didn’t know!” Kat starts crying. She’s afraid. And she should be.

Now she understands the kind of man I am. Most people only see the playboy charmer, the fun guy who drinks too much, tells jokes, enjoys the company of women, and knows how to have a good time. They forget that I’m a member of the most feared family on the East Coast, and like my brother, cousin, and uncle, I have blood on my hands too.

I don’t kill for fun; only because I have to. But I’m not afraid of ending someone’s life.

When someone hurts my family and the people I care about, I hit back. Rory and her son fall into that category. Kat has crossed a line, and she knows it.

The only reason Kat is still breathing is because it would cause too many problems if I ended her. The club is busy. People know she’s here. If she disappeared, there would be questions and a police investigation. The last thing any of us want or need is a spotlight on our business. The chief might be in Aroldo’s pocket, but there are still some members of the police department who can’t be bought. Shocker, I know.

“Collect your shit and get the fuck out of my club, Kat. And don’t bother showing your face here again, are we clear?”

“Please, baby, I’m sorry! I didn’t know who she was!” Mascara and snot stream down her face, she looks a fucking mess.

“Go! Now!” I yell, finally losing it. She leaps back, almost toppling over on her stupid heels. It’s just as well. The monster in me is so close to the surface now that I’m not sure how much longer I can rein him in.

“Everything alright, boss?” Benson ducks his head in the door, casting a dismissive glance at a sniveling Kat.

“Yeah. Show this bitch the door, and make sure everyone knows she’s banned from the club.”

“Sure thing, Boss.” He walks in, grabs Kat by the arm, and hauls her out of my sight. Now all I need to do is promote Shay. She’ll be happy at least.

The minute the door clicks shut, I pull out my phone and hit dial on Rory’s number. I hope she realizes Kat doesn’t have the authority to sack her, but given the emotional rollercoaster she’s currently on, who knows?

She doesn’t pick up.


Because I’m not willing to wait for her to call me back, I pull up the tracking software I added to her phone to see where she is. It tells me she’s not at her apartment or the hospital. Instead, she’s at the beach.

Chapter 26


Growing up in Minnesota meant trips to the beach were few and far between. I was 9 before I saw the ocean, and even now it has the power to enthrall me. It’s early May and the temperature is in the mid-70s. Not having a job to go to, thanks to Romano’s chat with my boss at Burley Ross, I’m feeling a bit unmoored.

I was planning to spend the day at the hospital, but Mom told me she was having some tests done and not to worry about her. We agreed I’d go over in the morning instead, after dropping Joel off at kindergarten. He should have been there today, but he’s being a bit clingy so I decided it would be good for both of us to do something nice for a change.

We’re strolling down Ocean Drive, Joel’s hand in mine, enjoying the sunshine. Or in my case, trying to.

Everything that’s happened plays on an infernal loop in my head. I’m still in shock from what Kat told me. She knew Mom had called. She fucking knew and didn’t pass the messages on! If I’d known, I could have gotten home in time to take Joel and call for an ambulance before Mom collapsed. Ruth told me how Joel came knocking on her door in tears.God.Had Joel been asleep or not known what to do, Mom would be dead by now.

If the prospect of doing life in a maximum-security prison didn’t scare the shit out of me, I’d have murdered Kat this morning. Just thinking about the way she smirked as she gleefully told me personal calls were not allowed and she wasn’t a call answering service makes me murderous all over again. At least I got the opportunity to slap the bitch.

Being sacked from Venom isn’t fantastic, but there’s no way I’m going back there now. Not if that bitch is there. Pretty sure Romano has had enough of me anyway. He must be sick to the back teeth with all my drama. I bet the women he usually hangs with don’t cause him this much grief.

As much as I am attracted to him, I can’t take it any further. It’s not fair on Joel. My son needs stability, not some guy who swans in and out of his life on a whim. Joel’s already obsessed with Romano. He hasn’t shut up about him since meeting him two days ago. According to him, Romano promised to buy him his very own watch while I was busy talking to the doctor. It seems a precious watch is all it takes to win my son over.

“Can I have an ice cream, Mom?” My thoughts scatter in the warm breeze.

“Sure, then we can paddle.” I’ve brought towels and a change of clothes for Joel in a backpack.

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