Page 23 of Romano

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“It means forget about the money. I have a lot of it, and the oncologist owes me a favor or two.”

My knuckles are white and my head feels like it’s about to explode I’m so wound up right now. Then he takes hold of my chin and stares into my eyes and I melt. Literally melt into a puddle on the mattress. How does he have this power over me?

“Rory, I got you. Breathe.” It’s not until he says the words that I realize I’m hyperventilating and my vision has gone all spotty. I force myself to focus on his eyes and inhale long and slow, allowing my lungs to inflate properly. In some ways, it doesn’t help in the slightest because I’m instantly overwhelmed by the scent of him. All citrus and something spicy. The man’s a goddamned walking pheromone. It should be fucking illegal to smell that good first thing in the morning. Pretty sure I don’t smell so hot.

His finger strokes my cheek and he leans in until he’s close enough that I can make out the gold striations in his irises and the small pale scar that runs from his temple to his upper cheek. I want to ask what marred his perfect skin but before I can form the words, he’s kissing me, and all the simmering tension between us explodes in a white-hot fireball.

He pushes me back into the mattress, losing the towel in the process. I should protest but I’m too busy greedily exploring his body, tracing the sharp lines of his cut muscles, devouring him like a starved woman. We part for a moment and he lifts me so he can remove my hoodie, tossing it aside.

“Too many clothes,” he grumbles, making short work of my crop top. I’m left wearing only my panties, which are soaked.

“Romano,” I pant, feeling like one of us should be the voice of reason here. He is my boss, after all, but he cuts me off with his mouth and I lose track of what I am about to say anyway because his hand is between my thighs and his fingers inside me.

“Fuck!” It’s almost too much. The coiling tension is unbearable. I need to come so badly, and judging by the way his cock throbs against my thigh, I’m not the only one.

I’d forgotten how fucking big he is. All I can think about is how it will feel when he’s back inside me, where he belongs. He must read my mind because he says,

“I can’t wait, baby, I need to be inside you right now.” My panties are torn from my trembling body and I whimper. He reaches past me and opens the bedside drawer to grab a condom, quickly sheathing his cock. Then he’s pressing into me, pushing his way in, and I moan with pleasure.

“Fuck, you take my cock so well, baby,” he purrs, and I preen. He’s so thick and long that I’m genuinely concerned he’s about to come out my fucking throat but it feels so damn good. He pulls my thigh up to get better leverage then he’s moving, slowly at first, giving me time to get used to his size, but really, he doesn’t need to because I’m so fucking wet and slippery for him.

“I’m going to…” I gasp, feeling my orgasm hovering just on the edge of my awareness. I’m so close. Blissful oblivion is a heartbeat away.

“Come for me, Rory,” he growls in my ear and the command pushes me over. I’m crying and moaning, totally overwhelmed by the high that overtakes me. If there is such a thing as a whole-body orgasm, well I’ve just experienced it.

He fucks me through it, panting in my ear about how tight I’m squeezing his cock and how much he fucking loves it, then he’s coming too, groaning as he pumps deep inside me. I can feel the heat of his release through the latex and it makes me swoon all over again.

It isn’t until the endorphin rush fades that I remember why I’m here, and where I’m supposed to be. Guilt hits me like a sledgehammer. I shouldn’t be in bed having sex so good it has to be illegal while Mom is in hospital. Fuck!

Once again, he reads my mind. “I can hear you panicking,” he murmurs, pulling me into the curve of his shoulder. “Stop it. Your mom is in the best possible hands right now. Joel is fine. We’ll get a shower, I’ll feed you, and then we will go to collect Joel and on to the hospital.”


He kisses the top of my head and I relax. For once, someone else is looking after me instead of the other way around, and boy, it feels good.

Chapter 22


I’m clean and my hair is combed. Romano’s shower is amazing. Legit the largest shower I’ve ever seen in my life. It’s large enough to comfortably fit at least four adults, but I’m trying not to picture him in there with a harem of hot fitness models and influencers. Jealousy does not become me.

He gently pushes me in the direction of the kitchen while I inhale his luscious scent. It’s addicting in the best possible way. Then he passes me a plate of fresh pastries and a glass of orange juice and my stomach growls. I look up with embarrassment to see him smirking.

“OK, so I am hungry,” I admit. “Thank you for everything. Not just this…” I point at the food. “But also driving me last night. I appreciate it.” I may have snubbed him since we slept together, but I can’t deny Romano has been thoughtful and caring. Andunlike the other men I’ve met in my life, he hasn’t tried to push past my boundaries since I started dancing at the club, other than the time in his car when we almost kissed.

I eat three pastries in quick succession while he makes me a coffee with cream. This is the best breakfast I’ve had all week. Not exactly healthy, but who cares. I can go back to my usual cheap cereal or dry toast later.

My phone rings just as I swallow the last bite ofpain au chocolat. Fuck, it’s my boss.

“Mr. Burley—” I start to say but he cuts me off.

“Miss Jackson, I was expecting you thirty minutes ago! We have the team from Quinn Baker in and you’re supposed to be here taking minutes and making the refreshments. You better have a damn good excuse, young lady!”

He’s practically yelling at me, and I know Romano heard every word from the way he’s scowling and grinding his teeth. My cheeks flush with shame. I hate this asshole, but I dare not say anything or he’ll sack me. And if that happens, we’re fucked.

“I’m sorry, Mr. Burley,” I begin when he stops to draw breath, but before I can continue, Romano snatches the phone from me and hits the speaker button.

“Mr. Burley,” he interjects, “Samuel, is it? Romano Faugno here.” There’s a long, very pregnant pause. “I’m sure you’ve heard of me. Our family is quite well known I believe.”

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