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Poppy asks Eloana to look after Tawny, her first friend, and Eloana summons me to help the poor girl after her shadowstone stabbing.

I’m unsure what Eloana did after that, but when the plan is put in motion to return Malec to Isbeth, Valyn contacts her about where and how she entombed the god.

The Queen Mother is in for a shock when she hears about everything else they uncovered while they were away.


Becomes King Father Valyn Da’Neer

Hair: Blond.

Eyes: Gold.

Body Type: Tall. Broad-shouldered.

Facial features: Cut jaw. Straight nose. High cheekbones.

Distinguishing features: Dimples, though they rarely show.

Personality: Direct. Sometimes aggressive when it comes to a goal. Not the jealous type. Very reserved with his emotions.

Habits/Mannerisms/Strengths/Weaknesses: Fights with graceful brute force. Will do anything to protect his wife. Always has what’s best for Atlantia in mind. Likes wine.

Background: Elemental Atlantian. Bonded wolven died during the war. Was newly crowned when he fought Jalara in Pompay. Eloana has stabbed him many times, but he insists he probably deserved it.

Family: Wife = Eloana. Sons = Malik and Casteel. Grandfather = King Elian Da’Neer †. Descendant of = Attes, co-ruler of Vathi, Primal of War and Accord. Other ancestral family = Kyn, co-ruler of Vathi, Primal of Peace and Vengeance.

Valyn is not only the King Father of Atlantia’s current King, he also played a significant role in the power shift within the kingdoms.


Following Poppy’s display of power after the attack in the Chambers of Nyktos, Valyn reaffirms Alastir’s statement that Poppy called the wolven. He tells Cas to think about why his bonded wolven—Kieran—is ready to attack him.

Later, during discussions, Valyn comforts Eloana when the conversation turns to Malik. He also reminds Cas that he and Poppy are not the King and Queen yet. After Alastir’s display of treason, he tells the wolven that he will be held somewhere safe and will accept the decision without argument. He adds that if he doesn’t, Cas or the other wolven will likely attack, and Valyn won’t intervene.

Once plans are made, Valyn joins the group that goes to Irelone to rescue Poppy. When she’s mortally wounded with a crossbow bolt, Valyn panics when he realizes Casteel plans to Ascend her. He tells the guards to seize his son, but the wolven encircle them, making him unable to do anything but watch.

After the events at Spessa’s End, he admits that he’s impressed by what was done but doesn’t believe it was enough. He still wants retribution and war.

Casteel secrets him away for safekeeping, and Emil and the others escort him back to Atlantia. He later meets Cas and Poppy in the Temple of Saion. When he sees Poppy for the first time since her near death, he’s shocked to see that she hasn’t Ascended. He remarks that he was present when Cas came out of his shadowshade poisoning and realized that Poppy was gone. He adds that he’s never seen him like that, and it’s something he will never forget.

In a moment of truth, Valyn tells Poppy that if she had Ascended, he would have been obligated to kill her and would have tried without hesitation, even knowing the wolven would not have let him make it to her. Her becoming an Ascended would have meant a war that would have weakened them to Solis.

Valyn agrees that Poppy is no longer mortal and remarks that it must have to do with her heritage, though he is unwilling to discuss it more without Eloana present—he’s protecting her from a history that has haunted them for centuries. Though he does advise that everyone keep Poppy’s changes a secret from those who aren’t in their inner circle or were there when Cas saved her.

When the time comes for them to mete out justice against Alastir, Valyn asks for assurance that the wolven will not survive the night. He adds that if he does, Valyn will see to it that he dies at dawn—something he will personally ensure, so long as a crown still sits upon his head.

Poppy thanks Valyn for his hand in rescuing her, and he tells her that she doesn’t need to thank him. She’s family now.

The fact that he switched his way of thinking so quickly was at first suspect to me, but the more I meditated on it, the more I realized that it’s just the way things are with Poppy. It doesn’t take people long to see her and realize she’s special—Primal powers aside.

After the attack at the Contou residence, Valyn tells everybody that the attackers were the Unseen and shares more information about the group.

In discussing the recent treason, he says he believes the Crown Guards involved in the attack spoke openly to those who weren’t, thus infecting them with their nonsense.

Upon their return to Atlantia, they see that the trees of Aios have turned from gold to red, and Valyn tells Cas that the people will see the shift as a sign of great change.

Valyn meets with Cas and Poppy at Cove Palace. When Eloana asks if Hawke’s grown taller, Valyn remarks that Cas stopped growing ages ago—right around when he stopped listening to his parents.

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