Page 74 of Hold Me

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“You walk a fine line, little warrior.”

I grit my teeth. I’m not scared of him. “If you want him to trust you, you have to give him something.”

His face inches toward mine. “Give a man enough rope, and he’ll hang you with it.”

“It’s not in his interest to screw you over.”

He huffs a small laugh, his eyes dropping to my lips. “I’ll be sure to ask your advice the next time I need help running my cartel.”

I try to yank away from his grasp. “Why even bring me with you if you just want a pretty ornament?”

His hold softens before his fingers wind around my throat. My heart skips a little, a fissure of fear slipping through a crack in the stone wall I’ve erected to keep it contained. “I bring you because my men have proven that they cannot keep you safe. I keep you safe, Anna. Do you know why?” I say nothing, staring back at him defiantly. “Because I’m Rafael D’Cruze. Now, I love you, and you are undoubtedly my weakness, but do not forget who I am.” He releases me, and I put as much distance as possible between us. He turns his gaze out the window, ignoring me for the rest of the long drive back to the villa.

As soon as we step into the house, Samuel is waiting, his expression stern. “Nero Verdi is here,” he says. No sooner have the words left his mouth than a man appears in the hallway, shadowed by two others. He moves closer, his steps lithe and graceful, like a big cat stalking prey. Eyes the color of whiskey, instantly search me out. I always thought Rafael was intimidating, but I think there was always an underlying feeling of safety in his presence. I knew he wasn’t the soulless monster he pretended to be. This man though…I can almost see him calculating, planning, manipulating, all in the space of the few seconds that his eyes have locked with mine. His coldness contrasts with his obvious beauty. The Italian is striking in every way, and I can picture my equally beautiful sister at his side.

“Anna,” he says. I eye him warily. “You look just like her.”

“So I’m told.”

His lips twitch. “I’m glad to see you’re okay. Una is…protective of you.”

I snort. “Right.” I can’t listen to this bullshit anymore. Whatever deals Rafael needs to make to save his cartel, he can make without me. I want nothing to do with Nero Verdi or my sister. Without acknowledging either of them, I turn to walk away. Fingers wrap around my upper arm, and I freeze, my back tense. Rafael turns me to face him, gripping my chin before he places his lips over mine. The kiss is soft and sweet, an apology maybe. It’s only when he pulls away that I remember Nero and his men are watching. My face heats, and I drop my chin to my chest before walking away.

I need to find Lucas. He’s the only normal person around here. I need his sense of calm, his innocence. I’ve spent too long surrounded by questionable men, and it’s starting to suffocate me.

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