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“All of you,” she gasps as I withdraw from her again. “Just give me all of you.”

Flipping her onto her back again, I slide in between her legs and onto my knees. Wrapping an arm around her waist, I hoist her up, holding her over my raised, hard cock. Grasping a hand at the back of her neck, I rest her forehead against mine. “Are you sure?”

She nods, biting her lip, and that’s the final straw before I ease her down on top of me, letting her weight take her down the entirety of my length. I swear she stops breathing, she’s so goddamntightaround me.

“Relax, baby,” I say against her lips, leaning forward for a kiss, where I devour her again, sharing the lingering remnants of the taste of her. I guide her up, and I guide her down, and she gradually loosens around me, her wetness slicking our conjoined bodies. “You’re so fucking sexy, you know that?” I tell her, running a hand over one of her breasts as she begins to ride me.Fuck, she feels just as good as I imagined.

Her head falls back with pleasure, and I run my hands all over her body while hers grip onto my shoulders, nails digging into my skin. It only urges me to grind my hips against hers, matching her rhythm. My mouth finds one of her nipples, and I bite down gently in between sucking the beautiful bud.

My thumb finds her clit, and I stroke her until her walls flutter around me.

“Oh my god,” she pants, as if she can’t believe how good it can feel with me. “Keep doing that,” she urges, so I do. I mix it with more suckling on her nipples, tugging at them with my teeth, and soon her walls are clenching so tightly around me I think I might explode.

Unable to contain myself any longer, I grip onto her hips and lift her up and down, slamming into her until we both reach the edge and topple over it together. I literally fall into her, on top of her. Giving her a few last, slow thrusts as I lose myself entirely inside her.

Chapter Thirteen: Kay

It’s hard to focus on work.

Despite the importance of this meeting with our investors, I just can’t for the life of me focus on the conversations between Gia and the rich guys on the computer screen. I’m busy reminiscing on my night with Talia. Nothing else is important to me right now.

Even as Gia fluently talks numbers with rich guy number two, my thoughts are on Talia’s naked body as she rides me. I have to adjust myself in my seat because my cock is getting hard. She’s not here today—which is probably agoodthing—saying something about a doctor appointment. It’s probably for the best. I don’t know if I would have been able to control myself in the office if she were here.

Gia kicks me—hard—under the table, and it takes the only remaining shred of my attention span not to curse at her in front of our investors. She nods toward the computer screen. “What are your plans for new market reaches?” she asks through clenched teeth.

I see, I fucked up, I think, realizing I was zoning out a little too hard.

Turning to the rich guys, I explain, “We’re working on expanding into the wedding market. I’m planning to build a new outside patio where we can potentially host wedding ceremonies, so we’re looking into a classier approach for the club. We’re hoping this will help us reach the upper-class clientele of Malibu. We’re currently finding vendors who we’re planning to work with exclusively.”

The three rich guys nod, apparently impressed. I already knew it was a good idea. Working on Nyla’s party inspired the part about working with vendors. If there are sought-after vendors that willonlycollaborate with Midnights, it makes it a win-win for all of us. Gia already approved the idea when I texted it to her yesterday in response to her reminder that we had this meeting. It wasn’t something I was really worried about. Midnights is doing phenomenally well for its first year, and our investors are raking in the cash.

“What are the numbers looking like for this patio plan?” rich guy one asks, an old dude with a white goatee who I remember smelling excessively of expensive cologne when I met him. His handshake was weak too, but he’s Midnight’s biggest investor.

Gia flows into her ramblings over numbers and my thoughts turn back to pomegranate tattoos, short dresses, and French food.

My phone buzzing in my pocket pulls me from the fantasy. I’m starting to get irritated at the distractions from my distraction. Subtly, I pull my phone out of my pocket and check it to find a text from Kieran.

Available for a drink?

While Gia and the rich guys are occupied, I quickly text back,What’s your motive?

He texts back instantly.Not everything has to have a motive, Kay. I want to celebrate my soon-to-be marriage with my brother, that’s all.

I sigh through my nose. A part of me knew this was inevitable. With every single one of my failures to send a text trying to reconnect with him, with Nyla pestering the both of us and the upcoming party, drinks with my brother has been an impending event. I check the watch at my wrist. It’s barely noon. Nothing like day drinking to rekindle a familial relationship.

Give me an address and I’ll be there in an hour.

This meeting needs to wrap up so I can brave Malibu’s lunch-rush traffic. Thankfully, Gia seems to be getting annoyed by the rich guys’ ramblings, her threshold for such things far greater than mine. I can tell by the shift in her tone and the way she nods her head with a tilt to the side that she’s ready for this monthly meeting to be done.

“I will keep all of that in mind. Thank you for your time today, gentleman,” she says with her flirty smile, batting her eyelashes. They all smile eagerly back, practically putty in her hands, and say their farewells. At the appropriate time, Gia slaps the laptop shut. “Fuckinghell…” She runs a frustrated hand through her hair. “I have never met a more needy man than a rich white guy who wants to fuck.”

I quirk an eyebrow at her. I have no other response. It’s not an entirely incorrect statement.

“Well, I’m glad that’s over for the next thirty days.” I rise from my seat.

“Excuse me, where the fuck do you think you’re going?” Gia’s tone is in that dangerous territory. It’s the tone where sharp nails and strings of curse words could get involved. I’m already antsy from the meeting, antsy from having Talia on my mind, and now I’m antsy about having to socialize with my brother. It’s remiss to me that Gia would want to discuss business. “We need to talk more about theseplansof yours.”

“Can we later?” I ask, positioned between Gia and the door. If I need to, I can make a run for it, and she won’t catch me in the stilettos she’s wearing today. Though, it would be unwise to underestimate her. She could always throw one.
